
Wednesday 30 November 2011


This time next week I'll be in a new house!! Eeeeep!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Four Years. Go.

FOUR YEARS. GO. A Campaign to Change the Course of History. from FOUR YEARS. GO. on Vimeo.

I just came across this interesting video on The Organic Gypsy's lovely blog and thought I'd share it here too...what do you think?  Could we change the world in 4 years?

Saturday 26 November 2011

Things I Love this Month....

This month I love...

* Selling our house * Gary the Gravel fairy * working in new libraries and making their shelves all pretty * funny games at my language group * new comfy jeans * Pierre the pumpkin * lovely new pond * £2.50 charity shop cardigan * wearing my purple DMs * starting new volunteering at a local global development education centre and arranging to help with Girl Guiding (once I've moved house!) * Luke being home!! * watching Breakfast on Pluto and the Frog Princess * sherbet lemons * staff bowling * candyfloss machine! * getting ID'ed twice in one day...once for sparklers and once for cider (I'm 27!) * hot water bottles * wearing my scarf for the first time this winter * fireworks * visit from Ali * Downton Abbey * crochet poppy * selling things on Etsy and on Ebay too * Alifie Boe and Michael Ball singing on radio 2 for Children in Need *  Dr Who Christmas ep. preview on Children in Need - I'm soooooooo excited to see it! * penguin socks * roast potatoes * River Cottage Veg book * big duvet and patchwork quilt * Mollie Makes Magazine *

*Spending the weekend in Aberystwyth with my old housemates from uni - sea views, massive breakfast, skimming stones, fennicular railway, curly fries, new bunny necklace, crochet lessons, bumper cars and candy floss! *

That's the view I had from my attic bedroom...isn't it gorgeous...right on the sea front...I completely enjoyed it!

* My orange vintage fabric bag making it to the front page of Etsy! *

* Making this cute bunny and snowman display in the children's library at work (some young people who volunteer at the library made the background and I added the bunnies, snowman, the black snowflakes and the poem, which I found here - it says 'A chubby little snowman, Had a carrot nose, Along came a rabbit, And what do you suppose?That hungry little bunny, Looking for his lunch, ATE the snowman's carrot nose...Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!' - in case it's too small for you to read in the photo!) I LOVE getting paid to make bunnies! *

I also had a lovely review written about my blog by Joddle of WasteAM where I am proud to say she named The Last Biscuit as the 'Best Eco Lifestyle Blog' in her current series about blogging...she writes lots of interesting, well written articles on lots of eco-issues as well as doing a podcast I can't listen to because my PC doesn't have sound!  Check her out if you haven't already...she's lovely!  One of her readers, Stephen, also wrote this lovely comment about T'Last Biscuit  being all marshmallowy and nice is that...seriously guys I'll get a big head!  Thank you sooo much!  I was also contacted by Sarah from Greenty, a new green travel guide, who asked me to add my blog to their directory, which looks an exciting thing to be part of and full of other interesting blogs to discover!  Thanks Sarah!

What do you love this month?  Hope you're having a lovely one!

Friday 25 November 2011

Buy Nothing Day...

Tomorrow is Buy Nothing Day....a day to take a break from spending all your pennies on shineys and do something non-consumer-y and lovely...
I will be at work, then spending  the evening eating curry and watching the X factor with my mumma...nothing special but no spending for me...what about you?

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Library Love...Chic on a Shoestring, 100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet, There is no Dog...

This month I've been reading...

Chic on a Shoestring - Mary Jane Baxter
This is mainly ideas for customising clothes and making accessories...I particularly liked the pompomless earrings and rosettes, this book doesn't have many groundbreaking, innovative projects, but it has pretty pictures and is nice visual inspiration, which is all you needs sometimes!

100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet - Lesley Stanfield
I LOVE this book, I want to make many of the flowers from it, especially the pansies and butterflies, sadly I haven't had time this month to try it out, so I can't say how good the instructions are or how easy they are to follow, I'll have to borrow it again and find out!

There is No Dog - Meg Rosoff
There really is no dog in this book, which makes the title a little baffling!  There is an Eck however, who is a small, penguin-ish, anteater-ish creature, who is God's pet and my favorite character in this book.  To be honest, I got a bit bored of the storyline featuring God (who is Bob, a teenage boy) falling in love with a human girl and causing weather disasters with his love-struck mood swings....I was in it for the Eck!  I also liked Mr B., who is Bob's assistant and has to deal with his messes.  I enjoyed this book!   

Baby Sweetcorns...

Last night I picked and ate the baby sweet corn I planted in about August this year, I only did 2 plants because it was too late in the season really and I didn't want to waste the seed, but the experiment was a success!  It was yummy too! 

Monday 21 November 2011

Moving Home...

We've sold our house...we have to be out in 19 days....eeeeeek!  Might be a bit quiet around here for a while!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Bags, bags, bags!

I've been busy making bags today!  But first, I want to show you my sewing has bunny stickers!

And this is the bag I've been making, this one's a prototype for some I'm going to sell in my etsy shop, I can't wait to wear it to work tomorrow!

I tried to make another from some purple 70's floral fabric I have, but it was too fray-y and needs some interfacing ironing on it...I did make this leopard print one from some fake fur I've had in my fabric box for ages, it has pink vintage floral lining and I can even turn it inside out and use it that way if I want!

Have you made anything lovelysome recently?

Friday 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day Crochet Poppy...

I usually always buy a poppy for Remembrance Day, but I'm very conscious of the plastic stem that they come on and the fact they can't be recycled, so I made my own crochet poppy, from the lovely free pattern found here...I shall be wearing my poppy with pride today, and don't worry, I still put some pennies in the donation box!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Beautiful Beans...

I spent this morning volunteering at my local national trust property, pulling runner beans off canes and tidying up lots of veggies that were past their best...I love runner beans, they're so pretty and pink!  I'm saving these seeds to grow in my garden next year!