
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Charity Shop Treasure...Buttons...

Buttons!  Lots of vintage buttons, 2p each!

These are my favorites...

I'm going to make some into jewelry I think and some will get squirreled away into my Nan's button jar for another day!

Linking up with Ta Dah Tuesday by Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping :)

Sunday 24 June 2012

First Potatoes....

In between rain showers today mum decided it was a good time to see how the potatoes are doing....

I think they need a bit more growing time before we dig up the rest, but these were very yummy steamed, with salt and vegan margarine for our tea!

Have you harvested anything yet?

Saturday 23 June 2012

Seed Bargains...

I picked up a few packets of bargain seeds this week...Wilkinsons have some for 75% off  (the three packets cost me about 90p! Instead of £4!) and the packets in the bottom photo are from Tescos (boo!) and were 10p each (according to the prices backs of the packets they would have cost £11.49 originally!) 

Do you think they're selling them off because of the lack of gardening weather this year?

Have you spotted any garden-y bargains?

Saturday 16 June 2012

First Sweet Strawberry of Summer...

Mum and I had a strawberry each tonight!  Goodness know's how they've ripened because there's been no sun to do it!

Yum yum!

Are you eating your home grown food yet?

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Library Love...Cuckoo in the Nest, Crocheted Throws and Wraps, The Thrifty Forager, Mocking Jay...

Cookoo in the Nest - Nat Luurtsema
This book sounded like the story of my life (the subtitle is '28 and back with Mum and Dad.  Living the dream') I could definitely relate to the 'quirks' of living back in the family home, and parts of it made me snort in an unladylike fashion.

Crocheted Throws and Wraps - Melody Griffiths
I love the blanket on the front cover, and there are some lovely rainbow-y and flower-y patterns inside too.  The book's split into chapters, vintage style, american dream, outside inside and around the world, so there's a nice mix of different styles and influences.  Definitely one I'll borrow again when I next want to make a blanket!

The Thrifty Forager - Alys Fowler
I love Alys Fowler 'cos she does ace garden-y things while wearing gorgeous vintage dresses.  This book has lots of tips on foraging and a huge list with photos, descriptions and ideas for use of foraged foods.

The Hunger Games - Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
The last one! I didn't want it to end, because I want to read more of it.  It was soo good! I read the last half of it quietly weeping to myself, 'cos I'm a big wuss!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Charity Shop Treasure...Batik...

I bought this lovely little piece of batik-ed fabric for 20p!!!!!!!!!

I love all the little details (the fabric is about 18 inches square), and the little birds in their houses and the orange-y-ness of it...and the fact it was 20p!

Have you found anything marvelous in the charity shops recently?

Posted as part of 'Tah-dah Tuesday' organised by Lakota at Faith Hope and Charity Shopping