
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Some naughty slugs started to eat our pumpkin (his name's Pierre), so he's all spotty and dotty, poor thing. 

Linking up with Lakota's Wooooo Wednesday!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Charity Shop Treasure...Lloyd Loom Washing Basket...

I bought this lloyd loom linen basket in the charity shop today, it was priceless, so I carried it up to the till and asked the lady how much she wanted for it.....

£3!!!!!!!  I've been watching these on Ebay for ages and the prices range from 99p (pick up only and Always miles away from me!) to into the £100!  This is perfect for in my bathroom, although it is particularly dirty and will get a nice coat of white paint first!

I've had loads of other bargains too recently, which I must get round to photographing!

Have you found any wonderful bargains?

Linking up with Lakota's Ta-Dah Tuesday!

Sunday 7 October 2012

A little bit of progress....

This weekend my kitchen went from this....

To this.....

I am sooo happy! It is sooo pink! I am soooo in love with it!

Also thought I'd show a before and after of my bathroom...

From this....

To this....

Aaand I bought my sofa today, it has to be made for me cos I want a purple one and I have to wait 4 - 6 weeks for it!

I am exhausted, we've been to the tip 4 times this weekend (to say goodbye to the old kitchen, which was so gross and dirty it couldn't be saved), to B&Q and Homebase twice and to my flat to check on the kitchen men more times than I can remember!  Phew!

I'm so excited to see my flat turn into somewhere I'd actually like to live, rather than the dirty ick-some place it once was!

Monday 1 October 2012

Super September...

This month I've loved....

* Joseph - me and mum went to see it at the theatre, it was good, apart from the guy playing Joseph was a bit wooden, I have since bought the proper, Jason Donovan, cast recording and have been annoying everyone with it! * My aunty giving me a Jason Donovan tape she was going to throw away! Don't throw Jason away, he's part of my childhood! * Fluffy waving his antlers * Eating home grown mini-sweetcorns and courgettes and potatoes * sunshine *  Seeing Bob Flowerdew at our towns annual Literary Festival - he gave a talk on 'no work' gardening...which is my favourite kind! * colour going on the walls in my little kitchen, blue bathroom...woohoo! * Doing big organising and tidying at work *lovely phone call with my Brazil-friend * nice time and nice people at the craft fair * a lady at work saying 'Goodbye....thank you for your efficiency!' to me...yeah...I'm efficient! Also, a little boy at work coming to tell me that he'd tried to scan his book out (we're self service now in my library) but it wouldn't work, and he'd checked in the back for the 'radioactive' sticker :) * payday * 

I made this awesome Dr Who Display at work, I did the TARDIS and my fabulous colleague did the Darlek....

I really enjoy painting spotty buttons!

I have had much cake this month....this is my traditional Chocolate Fudge Hedgehog Birthday Cake...

And my friend gave me some mahoosive courgettes, so I made cake with some! Yummy!

Hope you've had a lovely month!?