
Sunday 25 November 2012

Autumn Days....

 Just some photos from an autumny walk....

Isn't autumn pretty?!

Friday 23 November 2012

Bit More Flat Progress....

The carpet men came yesterday!  It's like a proper home now it has carpets!

Although we did have one small problem...

The carpets are too thick to go under the doors! All four of them.  Oh dear!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Some more new-flat progress...

I still haven't moved in to my flat, but me and mum have been busy with some girl-diy and done some of the finishing touches...

Shelves!  We even got them straight first time!

Light shades and blinds!

Now, if only my carpet had arrived and was fitted (the only carpet I like is out of stock and on it's way from Belgium!) I could move in!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Crochet Poppy...Lest We Forget...

Link to a free crochet pattern to make a yarn poppy badge for Remembrance Day.

I made another crochet remembrance poppy this year, for my friend at work.  Link to the pattern can be found here (although, it's either my counting or the pattern, but I can't quite get the number of stitches correct...I've ended up winging it on both poppies I've made now, and was making a third for my Mum but it got too confusing and it ended up in a dejected, tangly heap on the floor).

Friday 9 November 2012

Autumn Garden...

'Scuse the horrible photos - the light was not good and neither was my camera (I was too lazy to get my 'big' camera out and just used the small, crap pink one that lives in my bag!)

In the greenhouse we have this disgusting looking cost 50p a few weeks ago in a sale...I've already had 2 peppers off it and I'm hoping it won't die/get too cold before the other 3 on it turn red.  And my solitary chilli pepper...only one grew, but it's ok cos I thought I'd only planted bell pepper seeds anyway, so this one's a surprise chilli!

Beneath the mysterious bran flake box is....

Hyacinth bulbs...£1 each from the pound said to put them somewhere dark and cool, but not too cool...this was the best I could come up with...

I've still got a few pretty flowers in my pots...

And loads of nasturtiums on my wigwam...the leaves are just turning brown now, but I'll leave it up for as long as the flowers last, so any passing insects can feed from them...

My veggie garden is looking a bit sad...I pulled up the last of my sweet corn and broad bean plants today, and my courgette plants have completely disappeared (I think mum must have got fed up of them!)...still got some baby kale plants, lettuce, some sort of giant brassicas (not sure what they are...will have to ask mum!) and some leeks...

This is my little harvest for today...I ate the pepper and sweet corn in a stir fry - yum!

How are your gardens growing?

Thursday 1 November 2012

Ooooooh October....

This month I've loved...

* purple, green and blue toenails * piglet socks * piglet pencils * chips * nice library customers * post to my new address! * reading Arcadia by Lauren Groff * ordering Madness CDs off Ebay * pink kitchen of joy! * vegan biscuits at work * pig related emails * vegan cheese and onion crisps - free from the vegan festival in Wolverhampton! Yummyyy! * wearing my hat to keep my little ears warm, for the first time this year! * visit from my Ozzy rellies - ukulele and guitar playing - yey! * 

Woke up one morning to find mum letting Fluffy have a 'run' in the kitchen you do...

Hope you've had a lovely October! :)