
Sunday 30 December 2012

Back again...

Helloo!  I finally have the internet sorted out in my new flat and a laptop to go on it!  If only I could find the cable for my camera I'd be really sorted!!!

Thursday 13 December 2012


I am moving!  I have not organised internet at my new home yet and my laptop is broken.  I will be sneaking back to mums to use her internet.  But things will probably be a bit quiet round here while I get sorted!

Sunday 9 December 2012

Winter Garden...

Even though it's frosty cold outside we still have some brave little flowers cheering up our garden...

These are my pots ready for putting on my balcony when I move...there's a mixture of all sorts of things in them, crocus, daffodil and snowdrop bulbs in the bottom, pansies and violas, ivy, fern, cyclamen and forget me nots (last years seedlings coming up, they won't flower till next year, but they're nice and green for now!)...

I bought this orange, bobbly article for 20p in homebase (in fact I bought pretty much all the pansies for 20p a tray in homebase a couple of weeks ago too!)...

Mum bought me a little christmas tree's soo cute!

My hyacinths are doing interesting root-y things.  They're also doing mould-y things (I don't know if it was getting sweaty in the box, I've stabbed some ventilation holes in it now just in case!) I hope they survive long enough to flower in my new home...

The veg garden is now pretty much bare, apart from the giant brassicas and some little leeks...

And I picked the last of my peppers.

Are your gardens surviving the cold?

Saturday 8 December 2012

Sad Hedgehog-ish News...

The little hedgehog I posted about a week or so ago has died.  Mum contacted the rescue centre to ask after him and the lady said even though he was given fluids and put on a hot pad he never warmed up.  She said this is often a symptom of slug pellet poisoning.  

Please, please, please, please, please, if you garden don't use slug pellets (I'm sure most of you don't already anyway!) It's so sad that such a lovely little creature died just so someone's lettuces didn't get nibbled.

Friday 7 December 2012

Nearly There...

I can sleep again at night now I know the huge sofa has fitted up the stairs and round the corners and through the doorways!  Phew!  I've put my Doctor Who magnets on my fridge and started bringing my books round...I'm moving in next week!  Eeeek!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Library Love...Arcadia, I Heart the 80s, Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe, The Edible Balcony...

This month I've been reading...

Arcadia - Lauren Groff
I Loved this book, it's about a little boy as he grows up on a hippy commune, how they live, his family and friends.  There's lots of vegetable growing and composting.  And also the struggles they have as children and into their adult lives.  I'd recommend this one!

I *Heart* the 80s - Megan Crane
This is like a grown ups version of the film '13 going on 30', except Jenna (the name of the character in the book and in 13 going on 30) goes back to the past, not forward, to the future (I realise this only makes sense if you have knowledge of films made for teenage girls!).  There's lots of eighties fashion and rock stars!

Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe - Jenny Colgan
I don't usually read chick-lit type books, but I fancied something easy (moving house is stressful!) and this was actually quite entertaining.  Much mockery is made of middle class yummy mummies popping in for a cupcake, dahling, the main character is having one of those I'm -in-my-thirties-and-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-myself crises, but not in an annoying way, in a way I can definitely relate to, and there's a cute, curly haired love interest.  What more could you want to take your mind off making difficult decisions about carpets and white goods!

The Edible Balcony - Alex Mitchell
This is inspiration for my own little balcony!  There are sections with photos of beautiful balcony gardens and lots of info on growing food in teeny spaces.  I can see myself borrowing this again in spring so I can use some of the ideas then.

Have you read anything good recently?

Monday 3 December 2012

Nice November...

This month I've loved...

* wearing my hat and my gloves and my scarf * autumny leaves swirling about * autumny walks * certificates for 'best weird library find' at work * buying bamboo toothbrushes and toilet brushes * new carpet! * playing pool * sunday coffee with friends * making Christmas displays at work * listening to my Christmas CDs * watching Christmas films * advent calendars - I've got 2 this year, a chocolate one with santa on (mum opens it up before giving it me, takes out all the milk chocolate and puts melted vegan chocolate in instead...she is too good to me) and a Dr Who one (free with Dr Who Adventures magazine!) * getting ready to move house! * 

On my way to work the other morning I found this gorgeous little hedgehog wandering down the side of the road, rootling about in a pile of leaves, then heading in the direction of passing cars.  It was almost 10am and he was too small to be wandering about on his own.  Luckily I was wearing my gloves so I scooped him up and phoned mum and said 'OhmygoshIfoundahedgehog! Canyoucomeandgethimpleeeeeaaase!'.  I ran up the road with the hedgehog in my hand and mum ran down the road with a plastic box and we met in the middle to handover.  

He was too poorly looking to stay in our garden, so he's gone to hoggy hospital to be looked after.  The lady there says he's doing much better already.

Hope you've had a lovely month!