
Monday 30 September 2013

Things I Loved This Month...September...

This month has been soooo good...

* Visit to Aberystwyth with Mum, eating chips, feeding seagulls, charity shopping (I bought a beautiful retro table with pink and purple arty tiles on top, sadly it got broken before it even made it to the car :( but some of the tiles are salvageable), eating pretzels, watching paragliders and red kites * My birthday, lovely presents and a hedgehog cake! * Doctor Who socks! * Going to see McFly play in my local park, bit surreal, but very good.  I like Tom, he is blonde and plays a pink ukulele! * reading Maddaddam by Margaret Atwood * twirly crisps and curly chips * Indian Tapas * a bath with a puple sparkly lush bath bomb * falafel * X Factor * central heating * going to an exhibition of vintage clothes at my local National Trust * watching Iron Man * finally going to the dentist (last time I went was about 4 years ago) and being told I have 'perfect oral hygiene' * needle felting * crochet * My family is still a bit baby mad after the arrival of Rosie last month, she is super super cute, growing fast, very headbutty and windy, and survived a whole day of being baby sat by her Grandma and Aunty.  She's even been for a visit to the library for a squidge from some of the library ladies and to collect her first Bookstart pack! * New hair, I have a pink streak on either side, in the middle layer of my hair, so I can be a bit subtle and hide it with the top layer at work (I use these veggie friendly, not tested on animals dyes and bleaches in case you're interested) * Helping out at a produce fair and helping cute kids make 'mini beast hotels' * singapore noodles * being bought flowers * playing on the swings * huge veggie burger in the pub * Open mic night * pay day * Listening to an interesting talk by Germaine Greer at our local free Literary Festival  

Phew! I've had a busy month!  Hope you've all had a lovely one too?!

Sunday 29 September 2013

Walled Kitchen Garden Walk...

A couple of weeks ago me and mum enjoyed the last of the summer sun and had a walk round the walled kitchen gardens of my local National Trust property.  I have serious garden envy for this garden, though I think I would need to employ some help if it actually belonged to me!

The cabbages were huge!

A pair of piggies!

And giant pumpkins. They'd carved messages into the pumpkins, while they were still growing, which I've never seen done before!

Hope you're enjoying the last of the sunshine!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Easy, Cheap Vegan Meal Ideas...Vegetable Fajitas, Vegan Potato Cakes, Falafel Wrap....

This is what I've been eating recently...

Vegan Fajitas, made from sliced mushrooms, peppers, onion and spring onion, fried in a mix of tomato puree, paprika, chilli powder, cumin, salt and pepper.  Serve with tortillas or flatbreads, I hand made some with poppy seeds in.  Served with sweetcorn and (home grown!) salad.

Vegan potato cakes, these ones are handmade from left over mash, a little flour and spring onion.  Fry in a pan for a few minutes each side and spread with vegan margarine before eating.  Yum!  I wrote up a recipe for potato cakes several years ago, you can find it here.

Falafel wrap, I bought these falafel, but you can make your own too.  Served in a wrap with some toasted seeds, shredded spring onion tops and ketchup.

What have you been eating?

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Easy Green Things To Do This Month...September 2013...

Here's this month's list of easy green and eco friendly actions...

Ask your MEP to vote to change biofuel rules that would see food crops burnt for energy, as part of Friends of the Earth's campaign.  

Sign Greenpeace's petition to ask David Cameron to reconsider introducing Fracking to the UK.

Go car-free on World Car-Free Day, 22nd September.

Find a local event (or organise your own!) as part of the Clean Up the World campaign, 20th - 22nd September.

If you have any ideas to be added to this months list, then let me know in the comments section and if I like it, I'll add it!  And feel free to share any of this info (or the whole post) wherever and with whoever you like! 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Things I Loved This Month...August...

This month I've loved...

* My beautiful niece, she is sooo squidgable and gorgeous, I can't believe she's nearly a month old! * crocheting * lazy days * skype-ing far away friends * tomato and courgette and broad bean harvest * lovely work-y chums * home grown potatoes * butterflies * Open mic night * lots of charity shop bargains * take aways * buying some goldfish, calling them Claude and Horace, deciding they looked miserable in their tank and setting them free into the pond in Mums garden * Big adventure up north * Especially visiting Charlotte Brontes house! * Watching Pitch Perfect, Zombie Land and Princess Mononoke * Reading Maus * Great British Bake Off!! * Meeting up with my friends from uni * Marks and Spencers iced buns * presents from Reading Festival * Getting my first Crafty Creatives box - exciting! * Booking tickets to see Wicked next August! * Watching Doctor Who Proms on TV * Walk round National Trust Walled veggie garden and pig visiting with Mum * ice lollies * Ikea trip *

Hope you've all had a lovely August!