
Friday 24 November 2017

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017.

It is coooold, so not much gardening has been going on!

As you can see the garden is looking very autumnal at the moment, the big tree at the back has dropped all it's leaves in my garden, which is it's wont every year. 

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

I appreciate the leaves and scoop them up to mulch any bare soil in the garden, to protect it over the winter.  I tried to make leaf mould one year, but the bags I filled with leaves also filled up with slugs, and there's one bag which I still haven't been brave enough to open that makes an alarming buzzing noise every time I touch it!  So I do this more direct method instead, from what I've read about permaculture and forest gardening it's good, and replicates natural systems, and it's a lot easier too!

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

I finally dug the worst of the huge fuchsia roots out from the side garden, and planted my new apple tree.  Luckily most of my garden is raised up a foot and a half, so the soil is still quite warm and hasn't really suffered from ground frost yet.   I planted a bay tree I've had in a pot for a few years too. This is my attempt at a really simple guild - a permaculture idea, where lots of plants work together - round my apple tree there's red clover for nitrogen fixing, curry plant for stinky herbyness to keep pests away, creeping Jenny for ground cover to protect soil and keep weeds away, and I planted bulbs too for pretty flowers.  

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

I've been looking out for an acorn to plant, and I found one on Bonfire night, at the cricket club where I used to go to see fireworks when I was a little girl.  I hope it grows.  I'm still struck by all the beautiful oaks we saw when we visited the Centre for Alternative Technology in May.  

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

I bought this pretty copper forget me not as a memorial for the pregnancy we lost last year.  It seemed fitting and forget me not's are my favourite flower.  

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

In terms of veg, I still have some carrots in the ground waiting for me to pull up, and I've actually managed to grow a tiny kale plant!  They've been eaten by slugs every year before - thank goodness for raised beds they seem to be a lot better!  I hope it'll last trough winter and continue growing next year. 

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

I've popped my cut and come again cauliflower plantlets in the cold frame for now.  I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do with them, but ones already died (it wasn't in a good state when it got to me in the post!) and I don't want to risk the other!   Please ignore/excuse my messy greenhouse - thanks! 

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

This little calendula is still flowering! 

Diary of a suburban edible garden - November 2017. From UK garden blogger #permaculturegarden #suburbanpermaculture #ediblegarden #ukgardenblog

How's your garden this month? 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Easy eco friendly actions and articles.

Here are a few easy online actions and interesting articles to make the world a better, greener, happier, place, 

How much waste are meal subscription boxes creating? 

I love this list of resources for solutions to plastic pollution from the fab blog Treading my own Path. 

Easy eco friendly actions and articles. From UK eco friendly blogger #ecofriendly
photo via The Guardian

Environmentalists are usually thought of as folks who are trying to stop something: a destructive dam, an oil export terminal, a risky pipeline. But when it comes to housing, new-school environmentalists...understand that it’s necessary to support things, too. To meet California’s ambitious goals to cut pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, regulators say the state must build dense, walkable neighbourhoods that allow people to ditch their cars.
quote via

I thought this article about how housing development and environmentalism overlap was really interesting.  

How to be kind online - especially when dealing with differing opinions expressed on social media. 

Easy eco friendly actions and articles. From UK eco friendly blogger #ecofriendly
photo via

Use Friends of the Earth's online form to ask your MP to protect EU environment laws after Brexit.   

Friday 17 November 2017

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes.

We've been looking for an organic veg option for a while, I don't get many crops from my garden during the winter, and the organic stall has disappeared from my local market.   We've tried the Morrisons organic veg box, but I think we've settled on Abel and Cole's weekly organic veg boxes for now. 

This is what we got in our first few boxes,

Week 1.

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

We went for a medium mixed box to start with, this costs £19.95 but we had a super special offer for 50% off our 1st and 4th boxes, so we actually paid £9.98 plus the £1.25 for postage.  This is a bigger box than we would go for usually, but we were cheekily making the most of the 50% off!

The box contains 3 fruits and 6 veggies, our box had,

5 big bananas, 6 apples and a box of red grapes.  A paper bag with 9 potatoes of various shapes and sizes, a bag of 9 carrots, 4 white onions, 3 big vine tomatoes, 3 huge portobello mushrooms, a cauliflower.

Opening the box was like Christmas and all the produce was beautiful and fresh and exciting!  Only two little niggles with the produce, one of the bananas was split and one of the potatoes had a green bit, but nothing that we were particularly bothered about.  I don't like the plastic boxes the grapes, mushrooms and tomatoes came in either - surely they could use cardboard ones instead!

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

We got a free cookbook too. 

Week 2.

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

We went for the small mixed box this time, which costs £14.25 gives you 3 fruits and 5 veggies, it contained,

4 big bananas, 5 apples, 6 clementines, 2 corn on the cobs, a red pepper, a punnet of mushrooms, a punnet of cherry tomatoes, a bunch of kale.

Although it wasn't as exciting to open the smaller box, I do think this amount of fruit and veg is more manageable for my two person household to eat in a week.  Usually the box comes with potatoes, but I swapped them out for a pepper because we still had loads of potatoes left over from the Morrisons organic veg box.  Again the produce was lovely and fresh and we were excited to eat it!

Week 3.

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

We had the small mixed box again, this time it contained,

4 bananas, 9 apples (a double portion of apples), a bag of 7 potatoes, a red pepper, 3 big leeks, 5 medium size chestnut mushrooms, a bag of corn salad.

Again, everything was nice and fresh, although I could have done with a few more potatoes in my bag!

Week 4.

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

Ok, I'll admit that we went too far with this one!  To make the most of the 50% off the 4th box offer I bought the large mixed box, which is usually £27.50, but we only paid £13.75 plus postage.

Inside the (huge) box was,

6 bananas,7 apples, 7 mandarins, 4 baking potatoes, a bag of 10 potatoes of various sizes, 2 broccolis, a cauliflower, 5 tomatoes, 12 mushrooms, 4 corn on the cob and a bag of salad.

I guess the portion sizes are bigger in the bigger boxes as well as you getting a larger selection of items. Luckily, Abel and Cole boxes are really flexible, so I skipped the next week's box to give us enough time to eat all this veg.

I made a couple of extra purchases from the Abel and Cole shop too, some organic pumpkin seeds and garlic.

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

Overall, I've been super happy with the quality of the fruit and veg in the boxes, everything is fresh and it feels like a real treat to eat.  I love the convenience of having it delivered too, I don't have to go to the market, or try to find organic in the supermarket.  It's nice that the boxes are flexible too, you can skip weeks, and check the website to see what's in your box in advance -and swap out anything icky like parsnips or butternut squash!  I wish there was less plastic packaging on some of the things, but I suppose there's less plastic than if I'd bought my veg pre-packaged from the supermarket.

If you fancy trying Abel and Cole for yourself feel free to use the code below to get £20 off your first order (and I'll get £20 credit too!).

Review - Abel and Cole organic veg boxes. From UK vegan blogger #abelandcole #organicvegbox #vegboxreview

Can you recommend any other organic veg boxes for us to try?

Friday 10 November 2017

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket.

It's never too early to buy Christmas decorations, right?

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket, retro Christmas decorations, animal brooches and salad spinner! From UK charity shop blogger #charityshopping #charityshopblogger #secondhandstyle #thriftshopping #opshopping

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket, retro Christmas decorations, animal brooches and salad spinner! From UK charity shop blogger #charityshopping #charityshopblogger #secondhandstyle #thriftshopping #opshopping

I had to buy a huge bag of ugly modern baubles to get these retro Christmas decorations.  I couldn't resist though, the whole bag cost a pound and I'll donate the rest of the baubles back to the charity shop!
Retro Santa and snowman Christmas decorations, £1, local Salvation Army charity shop.

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket, retro Christmas decorations, animal brooches and salad spinner! From UK charity shop blogger #charityshopping #charityshopblogger #secondhandstyle #thriftshopping #opshopping

Both of these brooches are from Ebay.  The owl is sterling silver and turquoise, and the hedgehog is just shiny and cute! 
Brooches, £1 each, Ebay.

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket, retro Christmas decorations, animal brooches and salad spinner! From UK charity shop blogger #charityshopping #charityshopblogger #secondhandstyle #thriftshopping #opshopping

I spent so long looking for a second hand salad spinner (to help slosh the slugs off my home grown lettuce) and couldn't find one anywhere.  The day after I asked my mum to keep an eye out for one in the charity shop where she volunteers, she appeared with this fab yellow one.  Thank you mother!
Yellow salad spinner, a lovely second hand gift. 

Charity shopping - the one with the Weasley blanket, retro Christmas decorations, animal brooches and salad spinner! From UK charity shop blogger #charityshopping #charityshopblogger #secondhandstyle #thriftshopping #opshopping

I couldn't resist this knitted blanket, it's huge,a bit knobbly bobbly and all of the colours!  It's massive too, I don't have anywhere big enough to take a photo if it in it's entirety. 
Huge Weasley blanket, £6, local Salvation Army charity shop. 

Have you had any luck in the charity shops lately?
P.S. Check out my other charity shop posts for more!