
Friday 9 November 2018

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018.

Like every good husband should, mine bought me a big-arse gardening knife for my birthday!  

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

Ooo yes, it's very effective at getting up big weedy roots - I'm most happy with it.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

The front garden is coming on, we hired a skip for Joe to put his diggings into, and completely filled it (we also emptied the loft - don't you love it when the person you bought the house from leaves the loft full of 10 dismantled flatpack cupboards and a bed, thanks for that!).  The next step is to put some hardcore down and compress it down by hiring a whacker plate, then it'll be time to put gravel down.  I'll be relieved when it's done! 

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

I've been topping up the garden beds with some of the soil dug up from the drive.  This little raised bed is in the corner of the front garden, I used the lasagne method of layering drive-soil, leaves and branches, more drive-soil then a top layer of more leaves.  The top layer of leaves is to stop cats pooping on the soil!  The drive-soil is pretty clay-y, so I hope it'll get better over winter, especially with the garden waste mixed in to help break it up.  

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

I did the same for the last weedy corner down the side garden.  I hoed and weeded the worst of it, covered in a layer of garden waste (mostly buddleia and raspberry prunings), then a thick layer of driveway soil, I planted some narcissus and tulip bulbs in the soil, and some strawberry plants transferred from around the garden, then covered the whole of the side garden in a layer of hedge trimmings (again - cat poop deterrent).  It looks so much better without all the weeds.

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

I did the nice autumn activity of collecting up seed heads and acorns and planting them up - we'll see what comes up in spring!

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

I've been growing some ginger in a pot outside all summer.  I lifted it gently to see how it had grown, which wasn't very much.  I reburied it to let it grow more, but it got frosted and looks super unhappy now!  I'll try again next year though, if we keep having hot summers, and I get an early start with it in the conservatory I should be able to get a better harvest. 

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

That's kind of it for the garden for the last few months.  The weather has been so rainy, and I've needed some time to look after my family the last couple of months, both of which have meant less time for gardening.  I'll still pop out for a while if we get any dry days, but I've said goodbye to proper gardening for the year, and started dreaming and saving for next year's projects!

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

I did have a final gardening flourish this afternoon though, in the almost drizzle, grey skies and extreme wind, I planted a tree.  It's a crab apple called 'Red Sentinel', it'll have little red fruits that stay on through the autumn and winter.  I had to trim the roots to fit it into the pot (aka stainless steel bin), I hope it will survive!

Diary of a permaculture (ish) garden, September and October 2018. From UK garden blogger #ukpermaculture #ukgardenblogger #suburbangarden #gardening

How's your garden this month?