
Disclosure & PR


Sometimes I'm offered a product for review, so I'll let you know if you're reading a sponsored or promotional post.


I love working with companies or organisations that are on the same wavelength as me, and are lovely, ethical and/or vegan friendly.

If you are a lovely, ethical or vegan company and would like to work with me (especially if you want to send me some vegan food! I will definitely say yes!), then please contact me at


I usually post every Friday, and sometimes on a Tuesday too, but sometimes I give myself the week off!

My current blog stats include;

4000+ blog views per month
1400+ followers on Pinterest
600+ followers on Twitter
450+ followers on Instagram
100+ followers on Bloglovin'
70+ followers on Facebook

Brands I have worked with or who I am currently working with include Vegan Life Magazine, Riso Scotti, Koko Dairy Free, Ethical Superstore and Goody Good Stuff.

COOKIES automatically uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic.  I don't really understand it or have any control over it, or have any access personally to any of your data.  Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse.  Again this happens automatically and I don't understand it!  For more information click here.


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You can also find me on Twitter @secondhandsusie and Facebook