
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Vegan Quaker Oat Biscuit Recipe...and Darlek Cookies

I'm not sure how home baked biscuits compare to shop bought in terms of eco-friendlyness, but in terms of taste home baked stuff usually wins! Unless you're me. I usually have kitchen disasters. Which is why I'm really impressed with my kitchen brilliance today!! I found a recipe in one of my mums books for Quaker Oat Biscuits, which my nan used to make for us when we were little, I then found my dalek cookie-cutter and a beautiful idea was born...Quaker Oat Daleks....

I also did some more traditional circle ones too. I love these biscuits! They really remind me of being tiny and arriving at my nan and grandads after a 4 hour drive and being fed home made biscuits out of a huge, white tupperware box. After my baking spree today I took my biscuits to the garden and ate them in the sun with a smile, remembering my nan. And thinking about how awesome daleks are...
Ingredients -
*5 oz self raising flour
*5oz oatmeal
*3oz margarine
*3oz sugar
*4-5 tablespoons milk (I used water instead because I'm vegan)
*pinch of salt
Method -
Mix dry ingredients, rub in margarine, add liquid gradually until it's mixed to a stiff paste, roll thinly and cut out (this recipe makes about 40 biscuits - for the sake of my tummy I halved the recipe this time!) Cook on gas mark 4 for 15-20 minutes until pale golden brown, then leave to cool until crispy....then eat them all up! They're really nice with margarine spread on them as well.


  1. Thanks, I exterminated them pretty quickly!

  2. Dalek cookie cutters, now that is a new one on me.

    I am a vegetarian, not a vegan, but I would make these vegan for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Glad you like the recipe, let me know if you try it out :)

    The dalek cookie cutter came with a cookie making kit my mum bought me from the pound shop - it made awful buscuits but I think it was definately worth it for the cutter!


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