
Sunday 13 September 2009

National Zero Waste Week - Progress...

This week I've taken a small part in My Zero Waste's National Zero Waste Week, by cutting out my use of plastic shopping bags and plastic drinks bottles - here's how I did...

Monday - I took some parcels I needed to post for ebay into town in a fabric bag, I didn't buy anything so it didn't get refilled. I also took my Hello Kitty flask s when I got thirsty from all the parcel posting I had a drink on hand.

Tuesday - I took some more parcels for ebay into town, didn't buy anything but did have a drink of Hello Kitty water! I also went to the shopping centre in the afternoon to buy a present for a friend who's starting a new course this month, which I put into the fabric bag I'd remembered to take with me!

Wednesday - Took some more parcels for posting (are you noticing a pattern here!??) bought some stuff from the charity shops and skipped home with it in my fabric bag!

Thursday - I didn't do anything that requires a bottle or a bag today!

Friday - I went on a big walk today and even got to use my big, blue Hello Kitty flask (I discovered it's a leaker!) and bought an organic lemonade in a glass bottle with a recyclable metal top from a cafe! I used my fabric bag and backpack to carry the picnic we bought in.

Saturday - My big cousin got married today :) No bags or bottles required (unless you count the bottles of champagne!)

Sunday - Recovering from wedding and visits from family, no need for bags or bottles yet, although I might take my pink Hello Kitty water bottle for a nice long walk later!

So, I'm quite pleased that I remembered my reusable bags and bottle every day this week, but I noticed lots of other waste I created along the way - especially on our picnic which involved lots of pre-packed stuff and was from Tescos (I am ashamed! I haven't been in a Tesco for years but I was with relatively new people, they were being really lovely and preparing a vegan picnic when I was the only vegan and I would have looked really ungrateful if I'd have given them my anti-tescos rant), so I think there's lots more work to be done!

Did anyone else take part in Zero Waste Week? How did it go?


  1. Good job on the bottles & bags!

    I know that doing this also made me a lot more aware of the garbage we create. I thought it wasn't too bad before but now realize we can do better & it's not that hard.

  2. what a fantastic week - well done you. I love how your awareness has grown too, over the week. It was like that for us as well. We started with plstic bags and now look at us!

    You've done so well! Thank you for taking part and blogging about it

  3. Thankyou both :D

    I have lots of inspiration for new things I can stop using to cut down my waste!

  4. Great for doing so well!! :)

    It's tough with new people, I often don't know what to say either!! :)
    So if you find a good way to talk about this, do tell!! :)


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