
Friday 1 January 2010

Happy 2010!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!! I LOVE having a whole new year full of potential...yey!!! But before we get to all that I thought now would be a good time to take a look back on what eco-achievements I'm proud of from 2009....
  • I started a blog!

  • I started volunteering at an organic garden

  • I went to my first Friends of the Earth meeting

  • I went all the way to the bottom of France on holiday without taking an aeroplane

  • I haven't used a plastic bag since I pledged to stop during zero waste week

  • I've only used 1 plastic bottle since I pledged to stop using them during zero waste week

  • I found out where to recycle my old electric toothbrush!

  • I hand made most presents I've given this year from reused and repurposed things.

  • I started a distance learning course in Environmental Sciences and I'm 2 topics through (despite not studying any science since I was 16 - eek!)
  • I grew my own garlic! And lettuce and radishes.

  • I stopped eating biscuits wrapped in plastic and have started baking my own.

  • I've opted out of as much junk and unnecessary mail as possible.

  • I haven't bought a new CD all year (since I discovered spotify - woop!)

  • I've bought far less stuff than ever before

I started this blog thinking I was on the verge of getting my own house and being in charge of the eco-friendlyness....that hasn't happened for me this year and I'm staying with my Mum for now, so I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like...however, a new home for me is on the horizon (sharing with some of my good good friends - yey) and hopefully a job too, so in 2010 I hope to be having a lot more eco-friendly frolics! Once I'm in my own place I'll be allowed (lol) to make a big veggie patch in the garden, weigh our weekly rubbish, try to convince my housemates that we NEED some chickens, try to convince my new housemates that we can/should decorate and furnish our new home while buying nothing new and have general happy-time adventures! Roll on 2010!

I hope you've done things in 2009 and that make you proud and that you have plans for 2010 that make you feel fizzy inside like a bottle of lemonade (remember to recycle that bottle, y'all!)!!??

And I just want to say thank you to all those who've read or visited this blog in 2009 - thank you so much, I really enjoy being a small part in this eco-blogcommunity that radiates it's awesomeness across the internet!


  1. Hi Sooz! A fizzy 2010 to you too!!!
    Well done all things you did during the last year!
    I am proud for many things too: I had my two first zero waste weeks, bought mozzarellas in my own container, got totally free from using plastic bags, started volunteering in a wonderful eco-charity association, and met beautiful people live and on the web like you.
    So, go great! And I wish you all you need for this New Year! See you soon on our blogs! ;)

  2. WOW!! I'm really impressed with your accomplishments too!!

    And can really feel the excitement about the new house!! do tell if you can get chicken!! :) I'd love to have them too!! :)

    Wishing you lots of amazing eco-awesomeness in 2010 too!!

  3. i'm excited to hear that you volunteer at an organic garden... i wish i could do that (or that i could garden - i seem to kill everything!) this new year, i'm fizzy about hopefully going back to school and working towards my ideal career. thanks for the inspiring post!
    xo meg

  4. Yay for your great year! Here's to an even better 2010!

    I nominated you for a Happy Award!

  5. Hey Danda, Layla, Megara and Julia, how nice to see you all here! Well done for all the amazing things you've all acheived this year - and heres to another good one - 2010's going to be brilliant! I can feel it in my waters!

    Meg - hello and thanks for visiting my blog, hope to see you again :D x

    Julia - Wow! THANKS!! Thats soo exciting! That means such a lot coming from someone who's a cool as you and who's adventures I enjoy following! :) xx

  6. That is an amazing list. Here's to 2010 and lots more fun and I can certainly give a big thumbs up for chickens :-D x

  7. Thanks Mrs A - hope you have a good one! :)


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