
Friday 8 January 2010

I got an Award! :D :D :D

The lovely Julia from Easy Eco to Go has nominated me for a Happy 101 award!
Now onto the rules for accepting the award:
List 10 things that make you happy.
Try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog.....the last part..only if you want to!
So here are 10 things that make me happy...

My favourite friends :)
My mumFluffy - My Giant African Land Snail, he's incredibly massive, moves v e r y slowly and enjoys baths and showers under the tap - hours of hypnotically slow entertainment!

Stars - I love to see them twinkling in the night sky and I'm so glad I'm living back in the (semi) countryside and can see them again after living in a city for most of last year!

The Seaside - oh I do like to be beside the seaside, oh I do like to be beside the sea!
Vegan chocolate fudge hedgehog cakes - mum makes me one for my birthday and for christmas every year - THE BEST CAKE IN THE WORLD!
Reading - I know it's a cliche but I do really love getting lost in a good book (my favorites are anything by Jane Austen or Shakespeare, the Harry Potters, His Dark Materials, The Beach, The Slaughterhouse 5, The Handmaids Tale...)

Travelling - getting on a bus with my backpack and my travel buddy and driving miles and miles and miles away to an exciting place to sleep in hostels with millions of crazy, inspiring people and eat lots of new food and learn funny phrases in foreign languages and feel excited and free and happy!
Sofa+blankey+DVD = :D

Dr Who :)
The happy thing I'm going to do today is emailing my best friend, who now lives in Brazil, and send her all my news and all my love :)

Ten lovely blogs that brighten my day are...

Eco Experiment
Blah to Tada
Easy Eco to Go
Kind Over Matter
My Zero Waste
Vegan Lunchbox
Have a happy day everyone :D xxx


  1. What a happy blogpost and fabulous photos :-D Thanks so much for including me in it. Will be glad to join in, well that's when I get over the size of your pet That's definitely impressive.

  2. Thanks :) Fluffy's definately a whopper - I only wear size 2 shoes, but he is actually as long as my foot! :)

  3. What a great happy list! I love Dr, Who too! My mom watched it when I was little & now I'm a total fan! I loved living close(ish) to the beach many yrs ago but I'm finding I'm really loving in the mountains as well!

  4. Thanks Julia - 2010 is going to be a happy year I feel!
    I didn't know you got Dr Who in America! Do you have the new ones with David Tennant in (swoon!) That pic of my with the Darlek was taken at the Dr Who Museum (my ex boyfriend took me - him=not impressed lol!) where they have all the old costumes and props and stuff - I may or may not have become over excited!

  5. Yes we have Dr. Who in America! They showed the first 7 Doctors on public TV stations. The show the "new" series on BBC America.

    You saw a Dalek in person. I'm so jealous! *super geek*

  6. I'm glad you guys aren't missing out on the Dr Who goodness over there then!

    I also saw K9 :) *superduper geek!*

  7. Hey Sooz! Congratulations!!

    You soo totally deserve it!!

    I agree, FAB post!!

    Your blog makes me happy too!! :)

    PS Check out my new post, he he

  8. Thanks Layla, you're too kind! x


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