
Tuesday 19 January 2010


My mum works as a teacher in therapy groups for children with special needs, and while the children are in the groups their parents have a cup of tea and a natter. They've been drinking their tea out of plastic cups, but this weekend my mum went and bought some mugs, took them into work and declared to her workmates that she 'couldn't stand the waste of all those plastic cups going into the bin'!



  1. Wahee! Your Mum is very cool! Give her a hug from me when you next see her :)

    What a great idea; so simple but with profound impact on the environment.

  2. Thanks, I will :)

    I also discovered, while having a nose in the recycling bin (as you do!) some jars and papers that aren't the brands we use, when I asked Mum what they were she told me she'd taken a recyling bag into work and put up a sign telling people to put clean glass, paper and tins into so she can bring them home and put them with our recycling! Bless her - I'm dead proud!

  3. WOW!! This is FAB!!

    YAY for your Mom, she's awesome!!

    Go Sooz & Mom!!

  4. Thanks Layla :) She's doing a pretty good job of making her work more green isn't she!

  5. Yes, she's awesome!

    Can you tell a bit more on how you 'lobbied' her or what convinced her to go more green?
    (If I remember it right, she was a bit sceptical at first?)
    Lots of people may have sceptic family members and this can be helpful! (Chewbear of this lovely blog that commended on my blog specifically, has a mom and sisters to 'convince'! And I thought you might help with ideas!:)

  6. Oops, make that *commented* - blog rush, lol!

  7. I'm not sure what convinced her, if anything, I've left a comment on your blog about it, but I don't think it's very helpful, she mystifies me! Maybe I'll ask her and get back to you :)

  8. So, I did ask my mum tonight why she had started being so environmentally friendly, heres kind of how the conversation went...

    me - so why did you take those recycling bags and stuff to work?
    mum - so I can bring the cups home and recycle them
    me - yes but what made you want to recycle them?
    mum - becuase they're plastic! they were putting plastic in the bin!
    me - I know, but what motivated you to do something about it?
    mum - it was a waste. and everyone else is too lazy to do it. Naughty people!
    me - but why did YOU do something about it?
    mum - becuase of you! why are you asking me this?
    me - just cos
    mum- why!?
    me - becuase someone I know wants to encourage her family to be more eco friendly and she was wondering what motivated you to be greener?
    mum - living with an eco warrior! Tell her that!

    And then she got bored with the conversation and wandered off. Obviously somehow I've taught her that
    1. you must recycle.
    2. if you don't recycle you are lazy
    3. also if you don't recycle you are naughty!
    No idea how though, sorry! I'll see if she's feeling any more communicative another day! I don't think it helped that I was trying to ask her quite subtley, becuase she knows I have a blog but she doesn't know she's sometimes the subject of it lol, I think I just succeeded in confusing her!

  9. Aww Sooz!!:)

    Thank you soo much for posting the replies both at my blog & here!
    It's really fascinating, isn't it?!

    Now give her a big kiss & tell her a big thanks!
    I already managed to convince my Mum pretty much, she brought recycling from relatives etc! Dad is still the 'tough' cookie so we're trying to somehow green him too!
    And a girl from America is trying to green her Mum & sisters!

    I found my Mum could relate well to the Myzerowaste blog & pics (she loves kiddies!) and when I said, 'They are doing this and this' it was much better than just saying 'It would be good..'
    I also talked to her about The Rubbish Diet and Clean Bin, Danda from Italy, shown videos of Jen & Grant buying cheese with own box etc! (Usually just mentioned countries and what they do or how many kids they have, or what is available there, not specific names as not to confuse too much)
    If I read about something exciting I can't be still, have to talk about it too!! :)

    eco warrior! lol!
    Go, you eco warrior!! :)

    PS. I've seen a school online that is trying to reduce waste, it might interest your Mum too! Will try to find the link!


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