
Sunday 7 February 2010

New favorite websites...

Here's what I've been surfing recently...

10:10 A campaign to get EVERYONE to cut their co2 emissions by 10% in 2010 - if you sign up they send you a monthly email telling you a different action you can do to save energy.

Green thing Tips on 7 ways to be greener - with videos and stories from others for inspiration

Incredible Edible Todmorden Todmorden is a town in Lancashire in England (near where my mum grew up!) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the town has taken charge of growing and campaigning for local food, check out their website - I'm so inspired!

Cut out and Keep Lots of craft tutorials - not all are eco friendly, but with a bit of imagination they could be!

Day Zero This website is helping me to focus on my goals for the next couple of list 101 things you intend to do in the next 1001 days, then you can tick them off when you've done them...some of my things are eco, and some are just fun...I like to have a visual of what I'm planning to do and it really gives me some motivation to get them done! Does anyone else use this site?

Danda, from the wonderful blog Dandaworld, has drawn my attention to a law to extend the hunting period in her country (which is Italy - Que Bella!) and a petition you can sign to show your opposition to this - please see her blog post here and sign the petition here.


  1. Sooz
    Thanks for sharing these. I am always delighted to find such sites, even better when these are found by fellow bloggers.

  2. Thanks for visiting mangocheeks - nice to 'see' you :) I'm glad you liked the links :)


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