
Monday 21 June 2010

Happy Midsummer!

Happy midsummer!  I hope you have some sunshine and loveliness in your lives today!  This is my 100th blog post, and tomorrow will be a year to the day that I started blogging! 
To celebrate I ate my first home grown strawberry and made my first tea from my home grown mint!

Also, yesterday we went to see some pigs!  Which doesn't really have much to do with this but I thought they were very beautiful!

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog!  Here's to a happy midsummer and another happy year!


  1. My daughter ate our first strawberry today too. My mint's doing very well so I should probably make myself a nice cuppa to sip as I sit under my parasol and admire my blooming garden.

  2. Yumm yumm!!! Mmmhhh strawberries and mint tea!!! :)
    Happy Blog-Birthday, dear Sooz!!!
    Happy 100th blog post and happy summer!!!
    What a series of coincidences!!! I wish you a sunny summer and a new year full of inspiration and comments for your blog! ;)

  3. I hope you did just that Gai! Sounds perfect!

    Thanks so much Danda :) I appreciate your visits :)

  4. Happy Blog-Birthday!!

    YAY for strawberries and mint!! And pretty pics, oops, pigs! :) Great pics!

    We've had strawberries for a while, actually they're running out sort of.. raspberries started too, methinks..

    Wishing you a happy summer and happy year too!!

  5. Sorry I am late with my Congratulations for your 100th post, but I guess its better late than never. I adore you humble blog.

    Look forward to the next 100th Sooz.

    Nice to be enjoying good grub from your garden space. Enjoy what you grow. My mint is stil really small. I have to wait a little while for mint tea.

  6. Thanks Layla! Wishing you lots of happiness too!

    Thank you Mangocheeks :) Sending fast-mint-growing-vibes your way!


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