
Monday 6 September 2010

National Zero Waste Week in Food Waste Photos - Day 1...

A couple of post's down I wrote about my pledge to take photographic evidence of any food waste I create every day this week - which is My Zero Waste's National Zero Waste week. 

I had coco pops and a mug of water for breakfast.  No food waste.

Beans on toast, crisps and an apple for lunch.  Food waste - apple core - composted.

Veggie bake and garlic bread for tea.  Food waste - veggie peelings (not pictured, cos we made it yesterday and I forgot) - composted, 1 errant piece of green bean that found it's way into my portion of bake - composted.

See you tomorrow for more pictures of my empty (hopefully!) plates!


  1. Yay! brilliant post, I love how you have taken photos to show your excellence! Do you have the vegetable bake recipe on your site? Would love to try it. Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for taking part :)

  2. Thanks Mrs Green :) I'll find the veggie bake 'recipe' (it's pretty much potaotes, carrots, leeks and lentils layered up and baked but it's surprisingly tasty) and put it up soon!


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