
Thursday 20 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday...

*rainbow sparkly nail varnish * guinea pig calendar * listening to 'Friday I'm in love' by the Cure * big longs chats with Em * eating a very delicious good life vegan burger * meeting a 10 year old vegan girl and her daddy in holland and barretts * having more red hair * sunshine * borrowing harry potter 4 on audiobook from the library * pretty frost * long walks * feeling healthier * work * finding another library job to apply for (wish me luck!) * booking hotels to spend my little cousin's first birthday with her * having the house to myself! *

What do you L.O.V.E this week? xx


  1. I love your post! Thank you for sharing your gratitude for the small things on this dreary mid-week day. It lifts my spirits!

  2. Going out for lunch at our new French restaurant in town. If I could afford it, I'd do it daily.

  3. Aww thanks Valerie - I'm, glad it cheered you up, have a looovely week! :)

    Ooo la la! That sounds amazing Rosaria!I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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