
Monday 21 March 2011

Library Love...

My favorite things from the Library this month are...

The Thrifty Gardener by Alys Fowler
Mostly this book is pretty and has nice pictures.  It also has lots of inspiration for creating gardens for not very much money (as the title suggests!).  There are sections on technical gardeny things to like composting, checking soil type, and growing plants.  My favorite part is the couple of pages on houseplants, Alys suggests gorwing cheap houseplants from seeds you have in your kitchen, I'm currently growing a peanut and an apple pip, but I'm really waiting until I spy someone eating an avacado, then I can nick the seed and sprout it in a jar of water!  I like it so much I'm looking for a second hand copy to buy!

Handcrafted Rugs by Sandra Hardy
This is another book I love so much I bought a copy (we had a duplicate copy I bought from the discarded books at work).  It has lots of different techniques for rug making (braiding, weaving, felt, needlepoint, prodded, hooked, knitted and some others too) and a rug design and instructions for each type.

Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
I LOVED Stargirl.  A Lot.  This is the follow up.  The original was from Leo's point of view, where he thought Stargirl was all magical, this is from Stargirl's, where we discover her thoughts have unmagical moments.  She seems to spend a lot of time thinking about Leo, even though she's not seen him for about a year, which I found quite irritating.  Once I got past that I really liked it and there were some magical moments, but it's not as good as the first one.   

Glee The Music Season One
Need I say more?!  This is what I've been dancing around to in my PJs every morning before I get up!


  1. I loved Stargirl- I should check out my library for this one too :)

  2. Our family are all big 'Stargirl' fans, but we haven't read 'Love'.

    The other books look interesting. I have no idea what Glee is, though I've just googled it & discovered it's a TV show... We don't have a TV, so have never heard of it!

    We love the library, we get books, music & films out from ours - it's great!

    Kay :)

  3. Leslie and Kay, I'm glad to see there are other Stargirl fans!

    Kay, you've been missing out on glee! I don't watch much TV but Glee is a must in our house, I even make my mum watch it!

  4. I just went to my library today! I haven't been in the public library since 1996. :P It was awesome.

  5. Yey Drea!!! Glad you enjoyed it! The govenment are closing a lot of our public libraries in the UK so it's important to use them to show they're needed!

  6. How far is your rag rug? You inspired me in one of your posts few weeks back and was wondering if there is an update...? did you start yet...? pressure... da-da da-da! **grin** would love to get that going too... googled it then and learned something new... thnx ;-)

  7. My rag rug is still rags! I'm not sure how many rags I need to cover my base, so I'm cutting a lot just in case but it's taking a long time! I've just finished my knitting so I might make a start on the rug this week! I did do a little bit to see how it looked, it looks gooood! :)


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