
Thursday 3 March 2011

Things I Love Thursday...

This week I love...

* sunshine * spring * daffodils * warm and nice smelling greenhouse * robins * PJ bottoms * laughing * the smell of Lush * emails from Em * watching the Edukators * laughing at mums very loud burp * feeding a pidgeon a large crisp and watching him to to work out how to eat it * it being light when I get out of work * watching The Kings Speech (especially when he's a penguin and where he swears A Lot!) * meeting Sir Cedric Stripey Pants, the noisy new cockrel at volunteering *

What do you love this week?  Hope you're having a good 'un! xxx


  1. Raw Pizzas! Yum... Cool breeze on warm day... swimming in the sea!... green juice ... happy kids ... horses walking past my house... hugged by mountains... peace ... banana and almond ice-cream ... my old bicycle... choc covered dried mango ... camp outs!

  2. Raw pizza sounds intriguing! how do you make that?
    I love your happy list Carolyn, sounds like you've had a lovely week :)

  3. Hi Sooz...
    It was a good week, thanks. This week however started just 'crappy'... ;-( Hope things get better as the week moves forward... maybe i'll try some of the meditation you write about... always wanted to master that!

    Raw Pizza link:

  4. Oh sorry to hear your weeks got off to a bad start, hope it gets better! xx

    Thanks for the pizza link, looks yummy!


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