
Monday 18 April 2011

Library Love...

This month I've loved reading....

The Boy Who Climbed into the Moon by David Almond and Polly Dunbar
This sweet book is meant for children, it's about a boy who belives that the moon is a hole in the sky and that sausages are infinately better than war!  The illustations are by Polly Dunbar, who has illustrated many beautiful children's books and this is another.  The characters are drawn so beautifullly and theres a double page full of hot air balloons that's just magic! 

The Earth Hums in B Flat by Mari Strachen
I tried to read this book twice before I got into it, but if was definately worth it.  The main character is a welsh girl who belives she can fly (this is a book for adults, honest!), life in a welsh village, lots of quirky characters, a murder, families and growing up.  I thought it was absolutely lovely. 

The Garden to Kitchen Expert by Judith Wills and Dr D G Hessayon
This book alphabetically lists vegetables and fruits tells you when to plant, when to harvest and how to store them.  Then it has lots of yummy sounding recipes for each fruit or veggie too!  Perfect!

Brilliant Interview by Ros Jay / Preparing the Perfect Job Application by Rebecca Corfield
This afternoon I'm off to work my final shift at the library (sob!) so I've been making use of these books to help me find a new job.  Most of the info in them seems like common sense, but it's good to be reminded of the basics, and some of the tips are things I'd never thought about (for example, if you're applying online for something, it's likely that the company will use a computerised programme to search for keywords features in the job ad. in the application, if it finds the keywords required then your application will go through to an actual human to read, if not you don't stand much of a chance! Who knew!)  I did an application for a job in a school using all the instructions in these books, and got an interview, they've already contacted my work for references and now I'm using the interview book to prepare myself for the next step!

Have you read anything you love recently? 


  1. Go Sooz!! :)

    Fingers crossed it goes well with the interview/s!! :) Thought this library gig would be for keeps-!!

    Would you be teaching or working in a school library? (I think the latter would be more easygoing hehe.. Though an ex-classmate actually got a bit bored being a librarian and couldn't wait to get back to teaching! Depends on the school and the students too, I guess!!)

    Had no idea they had computerised CV-reading either, go figure!! That Welsh book sounds interesting, hope I find it somewhere!
    Haven't read much except some feng shui advice recently, hmm?? (Read a bunch before that so it evens out, maybe I'll even blog about it someday.. :) Sis needs to go to library again :) I'm afraid to cause I've had some books since last year - need to return them first!! :)

  2. Oh dear, does your library fine you? In mine if you wait 3 years the fines will be cleared automatically...the fines are 16p per book per day so it gets scarily expensive scarily quickly - I'll miss my staff library card (no fines, free DVDs and CDs and as many books as I liked!) I'd like to hear more about the Feng Shui reading, I don't know much about that!
    I always knew the library job was a temporary contract, but most jobs are in the UK, and the contract just keeps getting renewed, they couldn't renew my contract this year because of government cuts to public spending, so I'm jobless :( But the interview is for a teaching assistant in a primary school, which would be quite fun and I'd get to work 9 til 3 and get school holidays!


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