
Wednesday 27 April 2011

Product Swap...Face Masks..

The reason for posting this ridiculous photo of myself for the world to see is that I've swapped to a more eco friendly type of face mask.  Possibly.  I have tried to give up face masks altogether, which would be the most eco friendly choice, but it makes my skin matter how much I wash or exfoliate my face, or drink lots of water, or eat nice, healthy foods, or exercise, it gets all spotty and blackheady unless I do a facemask on it.  My skin is worse now than it was when I was a teenager!

I used to use those little sachets of mask, but the packaging (plastic foily stuff) isn't recyclable.  So after reading James Wong's   recipe for a homemade face mask from powdered clay and a quick bit of ebaying I found myself with a little bag of rhassoul Moroccan clay.  Which still leaves me with two problems...does Morocco need it's clay back?  Is it sustainable to dig up clay from Africa and ship it to England to go on my face?...and it still comes wrapped in plastic that I can't recycle (at the moment...although some plastic bags will be recyclable at supermarkets soon ).

So I have my little bag of clay, which I will use up (I mix it with a little water, then put in on, let it harden then wash it off, just like a normal facepack, it makes my skin all nice and soft and gets rid of some of the goo blocking my pores too), but then after that I need to find another alternative I think. 

I've also started using Purity Organic anti aging serum and mask, which was on offer in Superdrug for £2!  I've never heard of them before, but it's really nice and moisturisy...I've started to notice a few wrinkles creeping in and I'd like them to stop there please, I'm only 26!

Do you use facemasks?  Are they eco friendly?  Please tell me if they are and my skin will thank you forever!


  1. How about giving your skin a scrub with bi-carb powder and water, then maybe a moisturiser afterwards (depending how your skin feels?) or maybe some olive or hemp oil instead of moisturiser?

  2. Oh no! So much to worry about! Have you tried oatmeal and honey mask? Or avocado and lemon? These seemed to work for me when I was your age and worried so about skin problems.

  3. I was spotty in my 20s too! I've never really got into face masks, but found using a health shop vegetable soap & water worked well & I've used hemp oil as a moisturiser for years now. Lush do lots of vegan masks - though they are expensive...

    Kay :)

  4. I've neveer tried the bicarb scrub thing Kezz, I'll give that idea a try, thank you :) I moisturise with almond oil usually, my skin's really dry so I need moisturiser, I've heard good things about hemp oil, I might have to give it a try too!

    I know Rosaira, never mind about global warming my skin looks bad! :) I have oatmeal and lemon in my house, maybe I could make a hybrid mask from those as I don't use honey and haven't got an avacoado! thanks for the ideas :)

    Kay - the Lush masks work quite well for me but I've only ever used them when I got them as freebies! They're too expensive for me! I use healthfood shop soap too, olive oil and aloe, and water, I've had towo recomendations for hemp oil now so I'll look into that one! Thanks for the ideas :D


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