
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Library Love...Thrifty Chic, No and Me, The Dragonfly Pool...

This month I've started going to a different library, which is nearer where I's not as inspiring as my old library and it doesn't have as much stock, so I'm finding it hard to find anything I want to read, my choices this month have come from the teenage and children's section (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it would be nice to have some interesting looking adult fiction too!)  My new library is having a make over soon, so hopefully I'll find better books in it then!

Thrifty Chic -
I got this book mainly to look at the pretty pictures!  It doesn't really tell you anything new, but it's a very pretty book and has some nice projects in the back, especially a lampshade made from stringing buttons onto an empty wire lampshade frame...I'm going to try that one day!

No and Me - Delphine De Vigan -
I really loved this book, it's about a French teenage girl who meets another French teenage girl, who is homeless.  It's about the effect they have on each other's lives...tis very good...I'd recommend reading this one!

The Dragonfly Pool - Eva Ibbotson -
This book is about a crazy boarding school in 1930s Devon and the children and teachers that live there.  They go on a school trip abroad and meet a prince and I can't tell you any more than that of I'll give the plot away!  This is the sort of book I would have loved to have read when I was a child, but I still loved reading it as an adult anyway!


  1. There are so many great teenage/children's books. People think I'm nuts reading kid's books, but I find them much more refreshing than the usual & predictable adult's novels...

    Kay :)

  2. I totally agree Kay, I find adult books are often about things I have no interest in (like being an adult!) and kids books are much more exciting :)

  3. I like this Sooz... we forget to be kids and to have fun... embracing our inner child! You reminded me of that now again... thanks. I would love to read No and Me. That sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks again for great suggestions!


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