
Sunday 8 May 2011

New Garden Again...

After a short gardening break (after hurting my back a lot...I couldn't move, very scary!) I'm back in the new garden...all the veggies we planted are happy in their new homes and we've planted lots of new stuff too...

In this picture you can see the rhubarb, courgette and some tiny pak choi plants too!

In the first bed you can see a row of spring onions, just out of shot there's a pumpkin too (he's called Pierre the Pumpkin and was brought back from France by one of my mum's friends).  In the middle bed are beetroot, broad beans, spinach and onions.  You can also see our bird scarers - garden canes with video tape tied round it, which is shiny and rustle-y in the breeze and seem to be keeping the birds away.  In the end bed are potatoes that we hope will grow soon, and lots of broccoli.   

This is the herb garden, which is nice and useful near the kitchen.  See that yellow and green shrub in the corner against the green fence, that used to be all over the wire mesh before my mother showed it who's boss!  Now there are peas and sweet peas growing up the mesh, and lots of lovely herbs in front.

How are your gardens?


  1. Oh wow Sooz... your soil looks so rich and dark! What a lovely spot for your veg to grow... Can I come for dinner? We can eat from your garden soon... hee-hee! Your mom seem quite hands-on with her gardening... can't believe she took out all of the shrub? We are heading for winter over here so not much going on this side... but I bought so much seeds, I can't wait to start planting them. ;-) Enjoy your lovely garden and the awesome food from it!

  2. Yes, do come for a home grown dinner any time! :D
    I know, we're very lucky with the soil, it's much nicer than in our old garden, whoever had the garden before us has looked after it well!
    My mum is an action woman, she gets an idea in her head and it has to be done, now! Then she has to lie on the sofa with various aches and pains!
    Have happy dreams and schemes about your seeds, until spring arrives! :)

  3. Aaah... I wish South Africa wasn't so far away! ;-) Your mum reminds me of my mum... she sounds like an awesome lady.

  4. Me too...if you're ever in England you must pop by! :D

  5. The garden looks beautiful!

  6. Aww thanks Shannon Marie :)

  7. Aww thanks so much Shannon Marie!


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