
Friday 22 July 2011

How to Make Sock Lavender Bags...

Ok, so does anyone else get attached to their socks?  Or is it just me?  I make my socks last a long time, and I'm always very reluctant to get rid of them once they've gone holey.  So reluctant in fact that under my bed there is a plastic box full of worn-out socks.  And as I've been sorting out stuff for when the house is sold, so I'm not moving stuff to the new house that I don't need, this box of socks has surfaced and it needs dealing with.  I cut some of the socks up and kind of weaved them into a long string to coil around to make a mat, which I'll show you another time, used some as stuffing for a draught excluder snake, but for the socks with pictures on that I like I've been making lavender bags....

You will need..socks, dried lavender, needle and thread...

1.  Take your sock and push the toe up through the hole, so the toe is just poking out and the heel is hidden inside....

2.  Sew up the opening at the bottom with the needle and thread...

3.  Push the toe of the sock through the hole, so it forms kind of a bowl, put the lavender in this sock-toe bowl...

4. Sew up the hole at the top of the sock...

5.  Put in your drawers to make them smell nice...if you add a ribbon while you're sewing up the top you can hang them on hangers in your wardrobe...use different dried herbs for different smells, use mint and keep the sock sachets in and around your shoes for sweet smelling footsies! 

Do you have any interesting uses for worn-out socks?

p.s.- I've had those panda socks since 2006, when I worked in Primark just after finishing my undergrad degree, the elephant ones were a present from my mum and so were the pig ones!  There's a photo of me playing duckies with my little cousin when he was one, wearing some spotty socks, I still have those socks and he's now 8!


  1. I love this! I have some of my son's old socks that I just cannot throw away (Spiderman, animals etc.) This is a perfect way for me to reuse them! And keep his clothes smelling good. thanks!

  2. Spiderman lavender bags sound awesome! I want to see them if you make them! :)

  3. Sooz, I absolutely love this idea and way of recycling. I have a few butterfly socks that I dare not throw away, these would be a good way to keep them. I'm bookmarking this as a future project. Thanks.

  4. Glad you like the idea Shaheen :) x


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