
Sunday 11 December 2011

Liebster Blog

The lovely Kay and Sime from the blog Just Humans Being have passed on this blog award to me...

Kay and Sime write a lovely blog about their living in Cornwall and their attempts to simplify their lives...they are also rebels and have disregarded the rules of the Liebster Blog award, which are thus...

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.

2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.

5. And most of all - have fun
I am following in their rebellious ways and will instead list all the blogs I really, really, like...if you're on the list then please feel free to take the award yourself (or if you believe I've left you off my list and think you deserve an award too!) and pass it on if you like!
Just Humans Being - I think I already mentioned this one!
Allotment 2 Kitchen - Shaheens recipes will make you dribble! Mmmm!
Little Eco Footprints - Tricia writes about sustainable living and family life in Australia.
My Zero Waste - Mrs Green's blog is the best Zero Waste resource about!
It's Not Easy Being Green - Shannon Marie has an awesome garden!
Eco Experienment - Lovely Layla discusses green issues, activism and going zero waste in her blog.
The Organic Gypsy - Carolyn blogs about sustainable living, her lovely garden, raw food and her cute baby dreadlocks, which I am super jealous of!
Dandaworld - Danda shares her eco-friendly life in Italy in her lovely blog
Waste AM - Joddle writes very interesting and well balances articles about green issues
Attic 24 - mmmm crochetty goodness!
The Really Good Life - Louisa writes about Frugal Living in the UK, and much more on her interesting blog!
Positive Ponderings - Jaclyn shares lovely recipes, crafts and pretty inspiration pictures!
Heathen Vegan - Jeni shares yummy recipes and photos of vegan treats!
Green Bag Lady - In an effort to reduce plastic bag usage the green bag lady has given away 18,446 fabric shopping bags...she is truly inspiring!


  1. Well done Sooz & thank you for lovely words too!

    Hope you are settling in the new house!

    Kay :)

  2. Aaah Sooz, you def are 'marshmellowy goodness' as somebody described you before. Thanks soooo much for the mention. Congrats on this 'award'! Also, I've gone back to reading some of your oooolder post and loving it! xxx

  3. Hi Sooz! What a surprise to be mentioned here among other brilliant blogs! Thank you so much!!! I hope to have soon much more time to comment your posts I always read on my feeds reader... So write soon and have a wonderful season! ;)

  4. Wooo!!! :)) NOOOOOO!!! :))))

    Not another award, still need to 'get into progress' and put forward the ones achieved, umm, unmentionable times ago!! :)

    But YAY for mentioning my blog, love your blog too, makes me cheerful!! :) And great to be in the company of such great blogs, yay!! :))

    Haven't seen some others yet so it will be interesting to browse around a bit! :)

  5. Thanks Kay, we've been in a week now and nearly all boxes are unpacked and I've only managed to drop 3 things on the brand new carpets so far!

    Aww thanks deserve a mention...your blog is looovely!

    Danda, you're welcome, I alwsy enjoy reading your blog :)

    Hey Layla, nice to 'see' you again, hope you're well! :D

  6. What a surprise to be mentioned here among other brilliant blogs!

    I'm with Danda - thanks for including me in a list with some of my most favourite blogs :)

    I don't always have as much time as I would like to comment on everyone's blogs but I do read yours in my feed reader all the time ... I think one of my new year's resolutions will be to comment more :)

  7. You're welcome Louisa...I don't hitk I comment on your blog much either , but I do regularly read it! :)

  8. Thank you Sooz.
    Well done on the Award!!!
    I've been coming by and meaning to leave a comment here, but every time I've been distracted. thank you so so much for nominating me. Sadly I do not think I am eligible as i think you need to have 300 followers or less for this, but still I am appreciative of your warm thoughts for me and my blog space x
    Off to explore the other nominees.


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