
Saturday 10 March 2012

My First Craft Fair...

 I had a stall at a craft fair today!

It was fun!  There was a boy playing the guitar and a swing band (bit loud though!) and lots of pretty things to buy!

This was my mum made me the bunting, which says 'susie stars' on it and the table cloth is one that used to come out on our birthdays when I was little, I've always had my eye on it!

I have loads to think about now, mostly about pricing and how to display things, but it was really fun, I bought myself some vintage fabric to add to the pile and mum bought a lovely glass cake stand and won a raffle prize.  I was very relieved to actually sell some of my things (I kept having a panic that nothing would sell!) and quite a lot of my items were sold to adorable little tiny girls, which was not my target market at all, but Very cute!  

It all got too much for me at the end, my money belt was too heavy and the band were too loud and when I got home I had a nap (or two!)


  1. Well done. I've often thought of having a market stall but would worry about not having enough to sell - or of no one buying any of it. Maybe one day?

    1. Be brave! I always wanted to make and sell things and have only just plucked up the courage to try...I feel like I'm ace now for doing it! I only ever make things I like, that way if I don't sell them I get to keep them, so it's win win! :)

  2. It looks a wonderful array of lovely things! I like the vintage fabric.

    Well done on your first craft fair!

  3. Your stuff looks great, very eye catching :)

  4. Fantastic Sooz.
    Greater things to come from small steps. I am so happy for you. Intersting to note your unexpected target market. I too am taking small steps possible towards a career change, first day of the challenge starts on Thursday, more about that next time.

    I want to pick your brains for advice, as you know I am keen to bein felting and crocheting. Do you have any easy peasy beginners books to recommend. I joined the library and am hoping I can pick up the book you will recommend there. No monies in my pocket for buying books at the mo :(

    1. Ooo good luck with your career challenge...sounds exciting!

      As for crochet books, my go to titles are (have put amazon links in so you can see what you're looking for!)

      Ultimate crochet bible - for step by step stitch descriptions

      This one is also good and not as heavy as the other one (thinking about the walk back from the library here!)

      and this one for amigurumi, I just use the basic shapes in this one to make my own characters and I find the couple of pages in the back with stitch descriptions enough to job my memory when I've forgotten what I'm doing!

      This is a good website for clear, step by step patterns and pretty pictures too

      I find youtube useful too, type in the stitch or technique you want to learn and zillions of videos come up, it's helpful sometimes to see a video of how you should be moving than a set of still photos...but be careful to remember UK and USA crochet have different names for the stitches, I wish I had been more careful of that when I first learned, because now I'm hopelessly jumbled and don't know what the stitches are called in either language!

      I learned to felt at a workshop, not from a book so I don't know any titles for that one, I did have a look the other day for a lady at work who wanted felting books and couldn't find much, we eventually tracked this one down which had a couple of pages of technique then some nice projects

      Also...yey for joining the library! :D

    2. Much appreciated Sooz.
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this for me x

    3. You're welcome...let me know how you get on! xx

  5. Glad it went well Sooz!

    You've obviously been working hard & have some lovely bits. As ever, you're an inspiration... I think those naps were well deserved!

    Kay :)


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