
Thursday 29 March 2012

Sunshiney, Gardeny Day...

Today I gave myself the afternoon off work (I could have stayed if I wanted to but I've been in every day this fortnight and needed to escape to frolic in the sunshine!) and played in the garden...

First I made my Christmas went together with only a little swearing...

Snail helped to hold the instructions!

Then I got alllll my seeds out and decided what to plant!

I put some courgette, pepper, mini-sweetcorn and a few of each flower seed into pots to grown on...and we've established that all varieties of onions HATE our garden, so I'm doing my spring onions in the big blue  they'll start off the the greenhouse then move outside to grow!

This year mum's given me an 'allotment' at the bottom of the garden to grow my seeds in (I feel like the little girl in the Secret Garden when she's told she can have a little bit of land to grow things in!).  This is it, everything between the two fence posts is mine!

 I cleared all the weeds and some leeks that didn't do very well last year from the back of my patch, then dug it over, raked it, chicken pooed it and raked it again...I planted a row each of spinach, parsley and broad beans.

I managed to pick a little basket full of leeks, kale and purple sprouting broccoli that had overwintered...

These plants gave us broccoli all last year and we didn't quite get round to pulling them up, I was just about to clear them away when I saw they were sprouting I'll leave them where they are for now, until I need the space for something else 

In the mummy part of the veggie garden we have potatoes....

Wild strawberries (rescued from a patch that seeded itself in the garden of our old house!) garlic and leeks...

A pea net and a row each of beetroot, carrot and salad leaves.

 And just 'cos it's pretty and pink...a new hydrangea in the flowery part of the garden!

I've had such a lovely day playing in the sunshine, listening to Mr frog croaking and Mr bird singing and Mr Bee buzzing!  Have you been playing in your gardens?  Have you started planting yet?


  1. It's exciting getting started sowing seeds for the new season :) Love your little plot Sooz, much better weeded than most of my growing space just now.

    1. I'm lucky to have really good soil, the weeds just pull out, it's lovely!

  2. Its so good to see your garden and your garden space too. So happy for you. Now we can compare notes too. We got loads of work to do in the garden, my father has even got an allotment and got us helping him too. We planted potatoes there early in the week. At home, I only have strawberries in the ground. sowed lots of seeds - the beetroot and peas seem to be doing well, everything else not so.

    1. exciting! Can't wait to see how your garden grows! x

  3. Wow - looking good. I'm hoping to have time to get into the garden this week...

    Kay :)

  4. Oooo, I love a bit of garden porn. Everything looks fantastic over there - well done you!

    1. Thank you! I have things sprouting in my little greenhouse now! Much excitement!


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