
Sunday 29 April 2012

Amazing April...

This month I've loved...

* payday *  ikea * shiny new books * listening to The Smiths and Eddie Reader * glue stick and felt pen sorting * new pink posters * chips and onion rings * workie-mates *  reading The Hunger Games, Cross Stitch and silly teen-girl vampire books! And A Midsummer Tights Dream by Louise Rennison, which I nabbed when it came in on the new books delivery at work, reminds me of being 14 and reading the 'Angus,  Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging' series by the same author! * selling stuff * booking 2 craft fairs * making new, vintage fabric bags * Slightly tidier bedroom * new charity shop dress for £1.50! * seeds shooting and sprouting * homemade onion bhajis * baby robins in the garden - Bobby, Betty and Billy Bobbin! * 

I've been sick allll month with a cough/cold/sore throat/feel like I'm dying/temperature/chest infection thingy that just hasn't gone away and is still making it's presence mummy made me some happy cakes to cheer me up!

I love Kay and Simes blog, Just Humans Being and Kay gave my blog a cheeky mention and paid me a lovely compliment the other day, thank you! :)

Hope you've had an amazing April!? xx


  1. Sorry to hear you've been unwell, hope you get better soon. I've got your first craft fair booked in my diary, where's the second ?
    How about a piccie of your new bags ?

    1. Thank you for the get well wishes! :)

      The other craft fair I booked is at Sunnycroft in Wellington, it's a National Trust property, at their Michaelmas Fair which is in September, I didn't write the date down so I'll have to find it out before then! No pics of the new bags yet, they need finishing off and then a bright day to get good light for photos! There's a couple of in progress shots on my facebook page though if you Really want to see them! xx

  2. Hi Sooz,

    Thank you for mentioning us & what a lovely mum you have!

    We love listening to The Smiths too, I've been a fan since they started out & brainwashed Sime into liking them too back many years ago - hahaha!

    More books to mention: Tithe, Valiant & Ironside - have you read these by Holly Black?

    Things we've loved this month: Having our woodburner installed - it is amazing! Sime's porridge which we eat every morning - it's our favourite meal at the moment & he just makes it perfectly with fresh fruit, seeds, goji berries, a dollop of molasses & cinnamon! Meeting up with lovely friends has been great too!

    Have a good week!

    Kay :)

    1. I do have a lovely mum, she keeps me well fed too!

      I shall look out for those books, thanks! Have just finished the second in the Hunger Games series and have to wait for the last to come through the labyrinth of the library request system (I'm fourth in the que! Waaahhh!)

      Glad you've had a nice month, your woodburner sounds lovely and cosy! xx


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