
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Handmade Birthday...

Last week was my mum's 60th birthday...I made her a special badge...

It's just a big crocheted circle, with a frilly edge and felt numbers and dots stitched on...

...and a card that would have had 60 candles on the front if I'd have done my maths properly!

Do you have any crafty projects on the go?  I've got a big pile of fabric to make into bags and a LOT of crocheting to do to get ready for a craft fair I booked a stall at in June!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) She was lucky when the waiter spotted her badge at lunch and brought her a free bottle of wine!

  2. Where is the craft fair you'll be at - would love to come along and see your items for sale.
    Is it in Shropshire ?

    1. It's in Bayston Hill Memorial Hall, saturday 30th June 10 til 4...details here

      Do say hello if you manage to come...the last fair there was lovely, and this next one is bigger and will have music and workshops I think :)

  3. I'll definately be there - I know Bayston Hill.


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