
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Going to the Fair...

This is my stall from the craft fair I did a couple of weeks ago...

I need a new way to display my bags...I never know where to put them and I think they look rubbish lying on the edges of my table!

I made loads of tea cup/ egg cup pin cushions with crochet inserts and topped up my supply of owl and flower brooches.  I'm very proud of my (slightly wonky display board, which is an old photo frame with the glass removed, filled with fleece and staple gunned with criss-crossed ribbons to hold stuff in.  I made this the night before (as you do) and it involved much swearing and super-gluing my fingers together as I stuck buttons on to cover the (many, many) staples!

I sold lots of vintage fabric cards this time!  

I didn't do as well as at the last one, although it was a lovely day, the last fair I did was at Easter, so people were buying Easter presents, so I think I'm going to stick to doing fairs around present buying times (Easter, Christmas) in future.

Have you had any craft-y or fair-y adventures recently?  

Linked up with Ta-dah Tuesday, hosted by Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping.


  1. Your stall looks lovely - maybe you need a dress maker's dummy to display a couple of bags? And you could pin brooches to it too if you run out of space on your display board.

    1. That's actually genius! I was thinking of a clothing rail, but it would take up too much room and get in the way. My brother has a dressmakers dummy in his garage too (left by his ex...I'll have to nab it!)

  2. I was thinking a coat stand or hat rack might display your bags well. You could chop it down to size maybe? Your stall looks fab though... I really like it! x

    1. Thanks Hazel :) I have an excellent vintage hat stand that was my nans (black bent metal with red balls on the ends!) but it's soooo heavy, I can't really move it anywhere in the car...would be good to find a cheap, light one I can cut down though...thanks for the good idea :)

  3. I think it looks like a fab set-up - but a tailor's dummy would certainly do the trick

    1. Thank you! I think I trip to my brothers garage (scary) to retrieve the tailors dummy lurking there is definitely on the cards!

  4. I was going to suggest tailors dummy too, but the cheaper option would be the coat stand - why not ask for one on Freecycle ? you never know ......
    Sorry I couldn't get to the fair by the way , hopefully the next one - it's in Wellington isn't it ?

    1. I'll try to get my hands on either to be honest...if there's a spare one in my bro's garage I might see if I can have that!

      Yeah, the next fair's at Sunnycroft in Wellington, will post more details about it nearer the time, it's not till the 22nd of Sept (I think!)

  5. Your stall looks great - sorry you didn't do so well... Perhaps you're right about present buying times.

    Kay :)

    1. Thanks Kay...I did ok at the stall, made my money back and then some so it wasn't a disaster, but I'd like to have made more!


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