
Monday 16 July 2012

Soggy Summer Garden...

Oh this weather is Horrible for my veggies!  Nothing is growing!

Apart from flowers, flowers are doing very well in our garden...

I love nasturtiums, they're so BRIGHT!

This is our entire garlic harvest, it's supposed to be harvested in autumn, but all the tops had gone brown or yellow and squitty, so we rescued it before the bulbs rotted away underground....

My little bit of can see a little nasturtium at the back making it's way slowly up the wigwam, then there's corn, broad beans, courgettes and radish....all the herb and spinach seeds I planted haven't sprouted at all, and the ones I grew in pots in the greenhouse then planted out have disappeared too (combination of rain and slugs!)

I don't know why this broad bean is so tall, all the others are babies!

Mini sweetcorn, is actually growing well so far...

My courgettes have had 1 flower between 2 plants so far...they're also tiny despite being fed chicken poop, comfrey tea and seaweed feed...

Peas!  Getting there slowly!

I finally have 2 pepper plants, after about 5 attempts, I hope it gets warm enough for them to make fruit!

The rain is good for potatoes though! We have loads of big ones this year!

How are your gardens?  Have they been washed away?


  1. Hello, I read your post with great interest as I was digging up all our garlic on Sunday and it was pretty much the same. The tops had nearly all disappeared so I dug the whole lot and some were rotten. I did get a small bowl full which were ok and are drying out at the moment. It is disappointing though because I was determined to get the garlic right this year! My lettuce has totally disappeared for some reason. So you are not alone!

    1. Glad to hear I'm not alone in my garlic-y woes! I don't know anyone who's having much success with their garden's this's just too wet :( Let's hope for good garlic growing weather next year!

  2. Hi, yup !same problem here - even the rice has drowned !
    nothing to harvest except some soft fruit.
    a bit soul destroying this year - how I miss my polytunnel !

    1. Oh, I wish I had a polytunnel! Definitely need one this year! Sorry to hear you're having no garden-y luck either :(

  3. Your garden is looking great! And I recon you should collect seeds eventually from that broadbean plant - its amazing just how much bigger than the rest it is.

    And thanks for sharing your love of doing nothing over at my blog :-)

    1. I hadn't thought of collecting seeds from that bean, but that's a great idea, it's obviously good breeding stock!


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