
Monday 20 August 2012

Garden Update...

Everything is very green in our garden, it's full of lovely flowers, but the rain has seen off most of our veggies...apart from these killer cucumbers, bought in a sale from a garden centre, 10p for a tray of 5 plants,  they're growing very happily in hanging baskets...we're overrun! 

Everything is green and pretty!

This year's pumpkin...there's only one on the plant so we're praying the slugs don't get it before we do!

Our apples are unhappy...this is the apple tree's first year, it has about 7 fruits on it, but they all look like this...Mr Next-Doors apples all look lovely...sigh...

Veggie garden...featuring massive lettuce!

My very own bit of the garden...I've just put in some little lettuce plants...another 10p purchse, I wanted them  in a pot for my balcony at my new flat, but as I haven't moved in yet I would have to go everyday to water them, so they're in the ground (for now!).  I'm still waiting for a courgette..still no sign of one, very sad.

I'm leaving this enormous broad bean pod on, as it's on the biggest, strongest plant and I want to save seed from it for next year...

I'm beyond proud of my nasturtium tower, it had a slow start, but it now covered in obnoxiously orange flowers!  Also, look at my mini sweet-corns, they're giants! 

A view of the garden, looking from the bottom, up towards the house...

This pretty little pink flower is a verbena, another 20p purchase, I bought loads for my balcony and have them all in pots waiting to move... 

What are you growing?


  1. I'm glad to see you've had some success sooz - I've given up for this year, although I do have raspberries and thornless blackberries giving a good crop.
    How's things going with the flat ? will you be keeping 'your' garden at your Mum's as you're not far away ?

    1. I've only had a handful of raspberries this year, I think the birds have had the rest though! Is your garden still a quagmire?

      The flats going ok thanks, slow progress but I'm not in any rush, it's exciting seeing it looking better each time I go in! I will be keeping my little bit of garden, so long as I promise to keep it weed free (I've been a bit lax recently but it's been soo rainy I haven't wanted to play outside!)

  2. Your (Mum's) garden is looking really great!

    We have rosemary, sage, thyme, mint, lemon balm & blackberries growing in ours, but haven't got around to growing any veg this year...

    Kay :)

    1. Thanks :D

      I love blackberries, ours haven't done so well this's been too rainy for most things I think.

  3. What a beautiful garden!


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