
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Craft-y Fair-y....

I spent Saturday and Sunday doing a craft fair at a National Trust was lovely a sunny on Saturday, but Sunday was a bit of a wash out...

This is my stall...

And some of my things...I sold a LOT of brooches this time!

I took some of my vintage sheet fat quarters with me this time (and nearly got into a fight with a lady about how long half a yard was....she insisted it was 9 inches!), but didn't sell very many, which is funny, because at the craft fair I usually go to I am always asked if I sell my fabric and I know it would have gone like shot!

That's my last craft fair for a while.  I'm going to take some time to settle into my new flat (not that I'm in it yet or anything!) and make some lovely things for it (I have a rag rug and a blanket that need finishing, not to mention curtains, bunting, a crochet gingerbread house I bought a pattern for last xmas and never got round to doing...not to mention mums crochet cushion cover, her xmas present last year too!).  Have you any crafty plans at the moment?

Linking up with Lakota's Ta-Dah Tuesday!


  1. Hi Sooz, love your stall!

    Can't wait to see all the wonderful things you & your Mum are making for the flat!

    Enjoy settling in.

    Kay :)

    1. Thanks Kay!

      I've started on my rag rug tonight, it's been sitting about half finished for about a year...can't wait to get it done!

  2. The stall looks gorgeous, nice and bright, plenty to look at but not too cluttered. I'd say you've got it just right.

    I plan to learn how to do some prettier looking granny squares now I've mastered the basic ones.

    1. Thank you! It was brilliant to have somewhere to hang my bags up this time, usually they lie on the table and clutter it up and offend me!

      Good luck with your granny squares...I'm 120 squares into a 400 square blanket at the moment, like sun burst-y flowery design, pretty to make cos you can do all sorts of nice colour combos!

  3. The stall looks adorable! love the bunting and the cute brooches! how exciting to make things for a new home..your vintage fabrics are lovely! enjoy creating...

    blog hopping from ta dah tuesday!

    x susan

    1. Thank you so much :) I will definitely enjoy making things for my new little nest :)


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