
Thursday 3 January 2013

Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping Christmas Swap...

I took part in a Christmas Swap this year, run by Lakota at Faith, Hope and Charity Shopping.  The rules were to swap between 3 to 5 items, including at least 1 handmade thing, 1 thing from the charity shops and 1 with a link to a Christmas song.

I was partnered with Sian (who is vegan and likes reading and works in a museum - awesome!).  This is what she sent me...

Some embroidered felt snowflake decorations.  These were perfect for my new Christmas tree this year.  I always really appreciate hand embroidered stuff, cos it's a craft I don't do myself.  There were some lovely paper-cut snowflakes in the package, they found their way onto my tree too...

She also sent a book...Rock Crystal by Adalbert Stifter...haven't read this one before and I'm looking forward to starting it!

And a pretty sparkly stone...which I belive is a blue  goldstone...

Sian sent me some lovely pieces of blue vintage fabric, one with spots and one with little flowers.  To my shame I have buried this somewhere in one of my 'I've just moved house and need to organise this' piles, it's lovely fabric and I will add a photo when I've rediscovered it!

Thank you Sian for a lovely swap! 

What I sent...

Some vintage circus glasses, a stripy granny triangle shawl, some vintage mini crackers, a little vintage black cat brooch (she has a black cat) and a book which I forgot to take a photo of.  I had great fun finding stuff for this swap!


  1. hello! i loved my swap gifts so much - i'll do a post this weekend when i can take some pictures. the things you sent were so beautiful! i decided on a snowflake theme but then struggled a bit when i couldnt find exactly what i wanted second hand! so i went for a couple of new things instead. i also wanted to get you a snowflake obsidian crystal but they'd run out at the crystal shop! argh! so i just went with a bit of a blue and white theme in the end.lovely getting to know you and your blog!!xxx

    1. Glad you liked them :) I loved what I got, and I've found the fabric too after a bit of a tidy up! :)
      As you may have noticed, I could't find anything to fit a christmassy theme...I kinda gave up in the was too difficult! I applaud your ability to stick to any sort of theme!

      It's been lovely to get to know you too :D x

  2. What a beautiful initiative! And things you swapped are so nice!!! :) Tomorrow evening I'll have a swap-bingo at home with the girls of the charity second hand shop where we are volunteers! Can't wait! :)

    1. What's a swap bingo Danda, sounds intriguing!? and fun!

      Had a lovely time with my's so nice to get a surprise in the post! :)

  3. Hiya, Happy New Year! So glad you had fun swapping with Sian, I thought you'd get on well. Lovely gifts received on both sides. I'll put a linky up in a few days (once I've got round to photographing my gifts!)

    New Year's Resolutions of the Stars!

    1. Thank you so much for organising Lakota :) And happy new year to you too! I loved being part of this swap! :)

  4. Oh what a lovely idea, and I love what you both swapped. I was fortunate last year to receive a felted gingerbread man from Sian , I really love it.

    1. Tis a lovely idea indeed and I'm sure that if you have one of Sians felt-y things then you know how much I love mine! :)

  5. Hello! I just came across your blog courtesy of Lakota's and I have fallen in love with those circus glasses- they are absolutely incredible! *sets off to ebay* :)

    1. I know right, they were very hard to give away!


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