
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Potato, Leek and Lentil Bake Recipe...

This is my mums concoction, we call it a Monday Bake, because we make it on a Sunday when the oven's on for the Sunday dinner, then heat it up for tea on Monday.

It's one of those concoctions that doesn't really use quantities in the recipe, just eyeball your baking container of choice and guesstimate how much you think will fit in it!  I usually use one sweet potato, 1 large carrot and 2 or 3 medium potatoes.

1 leek
garlic - to taste
potato, sweet potato and carrot
red lentils
2 oxo cubes

1.  Cut the potatoes, sweet potato and carrot into thinnish discs, steam in steamer till just tender.

2. Cut the leek in half, then slice quite thinly (wash if needed), crush the garlic or finely slice, fry in a little oil in a pan until it's wilted down and just starting to caramelise.

3.  Crumble the oxo cubes into a jug, tip the water from steaming the veg in, making about   500ml of stock.

4. Layer up your bake, put in half the leeks, a sprinkling of lentils, half the veg, half the stock, repeat, so you have 2 layers. (don't use all the stock if it's too much, depends on the size of your oven dish!).

5. Put in the oven for about an hour, until the stock's been absorbed and it's nice and golden brown on top. (Mine's a bit burnt...the perils of a new seems a lot hotter than the one at Mum's house!).

You can eat it straight away, or put it in the fridge and heat it up the next day.

I portion it up, put one portion in a smaller oven dish ready for the next day (it's lovely with garlic bread, which you can make in the oven at the same time as the bake is heating up!), the rest in boxes for the freezer.

Yummy, cheap, easy and warm!

Linking up with Eco Kids Tuesday and Ta-Dah! Tuesday.


  1. Nice Sooz - I'll def try that. Very fugal too.

    1. Yup, I only make frugal stuff...not as frugal as you though with all your yellow labels!

  2. Yumm!!! It must be very delicious!!! I'll try it!
    Good to hear that you made it when the oven was already hot! I use to bake bread in a similar way, when we cook in the oven for dinner! :)

    1. It's yummy! Gas is so expensive, I always cook several things at once in the's probably better for the environment too!

  3. What a good idea to cook it along with the Sunday roast. Environment friendly and saves having to worry about what to eat on Monday!

    1. Yes...I'm feeling the effects of paying my own bills now I've moved out, so not using the oven too often!

  4. Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday! Please join us again this week!

    1. goodness! I gave you the wrong link (that is what I get for trying to work and be online lol)

  5. Ooh always good to have new veggie dishes to add to my repertoire - my youngest would quite happily not eat meat (aside from sausages maybe)

    1. Yey! I stopped eating meat when I was a kid, Linda Macartney sausages all the way!


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