
Friday 1 March 2013

Easy Green Things To Do This Month...March 2013...

Here's this months round up of easy eco actions and activities...

Sign Viva's petition to ask Amazon to stop selling Foie Gras.  I've also sent a message to Amazon directly asking them to stop.  Be warned, the photos on the page, of ducks being force fed, broke my heart a little bit.

Sign this petition to ask EDF Energy to stop legal proceedings to sue 21 activists for £5 million in damages for holding a peaceful protest against EDFs gas-fired power stations.

Send this online letter from The Wildlife Trusts to ask for Marine Conservation Zones.

Check out Climate Week, 4th to 10th of March...

Meatout - 20th March, have a meat free day...

World Water Day - it's on the 22nd March....

And Earth Hour, 23rd March.  (Feel virtuous indeed if you do something for all 4 events!)

Don't forget Mother's Day on March 10th this year...instead of buying an expensive present, try making your mum a meal or a cake, taking her on an exciting outing or giving her a plant or some seeds.

If you have any ideas to be added to this months list, then let me know in the comments section and if I like it, I'll add it!  And feel free to share any of this info (or the whole post) wherever and with whoever you like! 


  1. I can't believe Amazon sells Foie Gras. That just seems weird, aside form disgusting.

    1. I know, it's not nice, I hope they stop selling it soon.

  2. I can't bring myself to look ! all my life I've rescued animals but on the proviso 'if I can do something about it, tell me and I will, if not then I don't want to know' - not being cruel, but I have to sleep at night ! I have to turn off the TV and quickly turn the page in the newspapers if they are reporting on any kind of cruelty, having said that, I donate from my meagre pension to 3 animal charities, always pop money into the collection boxes and take in any strays that I can. Good for you though for bringing this unecessary and barbaric practice into the light!
    Saw you in Shrewsbury by the way on Saturday, across a busy road - and no, I'm not stalking you ! I'd been to the vintage fair - had you ?

    1. No, don't look Wean if the image will haunt you forever, it keeps popping into my brain :(

      I'm sure you're not stalking me! I didn't go to the vintage fair...did you enjoy it? I saw it advertised once I got to Shrewsbury, but me and mum had just done all the charity shops and antique shops and our feet hurt so we went home for a lie down instead!

  3. That is all great stuff Sooz - thank you for sharing it.

    We have an Earth Hour get-together with our transition group, think this will be our 4th year... We have an outdoor veggie/vegan feast surrounded by lanterns & afterwards we sit chatting around a bonfire!

    Kay :)

    1. That sounds lovely, I always manage to miss Earth Hour, so I have to try hard to remember it this year!


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