
Thursday 14 February 2013

Garden Update...February...Balcony Garden Progress...

There was a break in the weather today (it snowed yesterday, but today it's sunshine and showers) so I decided to make my balcony prettier (and a bit more private, it's very visible from the busy road and I want to sit on it in the mornings in the summer in my PJs eating my breakfast, without all the morning commuters seeing me!).

I got some reed screening from wilkinsons (£7.99 a pack), some green bendy garden wire (89p) and some bunting I bought in the Christmas sales (£2.50) and set to wrapping it round the railings...this is how far I got before it started to REALLY rain...

But it stopped after about 20 minutes, and an hour or so later I'd finished....ta-dah!

Spring is coming in my pots too...

And then I went outside with my camera, to take a photo from the outside, did a big grumble 'cos it started to rain, looked up and there was a big, beautiful double rainbow in the sky :) 

Can't wait for the weather to be a bit nicer so I can start growing stuff on my balcony.  I have a little water feature planned too!  

Do you have any exciting garden plans this year?

Linking up with Lakota at Ta-dah Tuesday (Thursday!).


  1. It's absolutely lovely!! I have a love for patio's and I just got one myself that I can't wait to get on and hang a bird house or two, however, it's being worked on right now :(... I do love what you did though, and in the spring it will be even nicer ... I Hope you have many relaxing moments out there!

    1. Oh thank you :) I'm quite pleased with it to be honest, I didn't know quite how it would look and I'm not very handy with the DIY, so it could have turned out to be a disaster!

      Hope you're patio is finished soon so you can play with it! :)

  2. That screening really makes it a little private space now, it looks great.It actually looks quite a decent sized space for you to have your pot garden and somewhere to sit.Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, yes, I like it much better now, it feels like it's my garden, not just a random sticky out-y into the street bit! It's quite big (3m by 1.5, I now know cos I actually measured it before buying the screening).

  3. It's a great sized balcony, it's going to be lovely once the weather finally warms up. That screening is going to mean you can sit out in your shortest shorts or oldest nightie!

    1. That's the plan! No one will ever know I'm wearing the nightie with the big hole in, combined with the bedsocks with pigs on..mwahhhaaha!

  4. Aww, the rainbow above your balcony!!! You'll be lucky and will grow lots of beautiful green stuff this spring!!! :D

    1. Oh I hope so! I didn't find a pot of gold (do you have that saying in Italy?) but I'll be pleased if my garden grows beautifully instead!

    2. LOL! No, I only knew some Irish traditions I'm fond of... But a rainbow is even magic in every part of the world you find it! ;)


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