
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Garden Bits and Bobs...March...Planting Garlic and a Balcony Pond...

I've been playing on my balcony!  

I took my windowsill veggies (spinach, spring onions and kale, they weren't looking too happy!) and some sprouty garlic from the fridge, and planted them in a pot to put outside...

While I was out there I was sooo happy to see the bulbs I planted are coming up (daffodils, crocus and snowdrops) and my pansies are flowering...

And when I looked closer I noticed the forget me nots I dug up from mums garden last year are flowering too.  Forget me nots are my favourite flower ever. 

Oh yeah, and I made a pond.  Or at least a water feature!  This consists of a £2 plant pot, a solar fountain off ebay and will be filled with some plants nicked from Mums pond when the water warms up a bit.  I'm hoping the water might attract some different insects to my balcony and keep the atmosphere from drying out so much when it's really hot and gets direct sunshine in the summer.

Since then it's done a big, big snow on top of everything (photo includes part of my pink dressing gown sleeve, for your viewing pleasure).  Hope my little plants survive!

Are you doing anything garden-y, or waiting for nicer weather?


  1. oh it's lovely to see some fresh green growth and a little colour - makes such a pleasant change! Adore forget-me-nots too - such a beautiful blue. They've seeded themselves everywhere here, all over the garden. Really behind with the gardening, but impossible out there at the mo.

    1. I know, my bit of garden at Mums has been sorely neglected, and I haven't even got round to sowing my seeds in her greenhouse...the weather is horrible! Hopefully it will be more spring like soon!

  2. Oh that snow! I'm getting very sick of it. Your garden looks so cheerful, thanks for sharing. Ours is just now starting and looking a little meager.

    1. I am also sick of the snow! It's spring! SPRING! Can someone tell the weather that please!? Would love to see your garden too :)

  3. I was out admiring spring flowers the other day except now they are being annoyed by the snow too! I think we all feel the same about the weather!

    1. Yup, I think you're right, come on spring!


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