
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Three Cheap, Easy Ways to Keep your Home Warm...

Even though it's nearly spring it's still cooold!  

I've done all these easy, cheap things to keep the warm in my home, and keep nice and cosy.

1.  Draught excluder - mine is a snake called Sir Sidney Sissington, who you can meet here.

2. Curtain - Mum put a curtain rail up for my above my front door, and gave me one of the curtains from our old house.  I keep this closed whenever I'm in and it really makes a's cold in the corridors outside.

3. Foil behind the radiator thingys - cut a bit of cardboard box card to a size that will fit behind your radiator, wrap loads of foil round it, tape the foil on and then stick the foil-behind-the-radiator-thingys behind the radiators.  I've done this on the radiators on external walls and walls that join up with my neighbours - I want to keep the heat in my flat not anyone elses!

Because I live in a big concrete flat this is about all I can do to keep warm.  I don't have any cavities to insulate and I can't even put that foam-strip-stuff round my doors (have tried, they wouldn't close! It takes longer that you'd think to remove sticky foam strip from around your door frames).  I do have thick carpets and underlays though, and lined curtains, which I close as soon as it starts getting dark to stop heat escaping.  I am also a big fan of sitting around in my big, pink, fleece dressing gown with a hot water bottle - very warm!

What do you do to keep warm in the winter (or unseasonably cold spring)?

Linking up with Lakota's Ta-Dah Tuesday.


  1. If you use your radiators to dry washing, make sure you remove it as soon as it is dry. Helps the heat circulate better!

    1. Oh I have to remember to do this...I try not to have my washing on my radiator (condensation!) but sometimes it can't be helped...thanks for the reminder :)

  2. I light loads of candles, sit under a blanket and get warmth from my laptop!

    1. Sounds nice and cosy, my laptop keeps me warm too!

  3. Fleece and hot water bottle for me too,along with cosy slippers and a hot drink, much easier to heat yourself than the room. A doggy foot warmer helps too :)

    1. Wish I had a doggy foot warmer, I don't think my Giant African Land Snail would do a very good job at that!

  4. I'm a big hot water bottle fan too - they are perfect in Winter especially when you team them with a hot drink! There's an award waiting for you over on my blog :) Elisabeth x

    1. Hot water bottles are the best!

      Thank you so much for the award :) I will go and check it out now - thank yooou! xx

  5. The little things can make such a difference. Our house is old and freezing, I should try some of these ideas especially the foil x

    1. The foil thing really does seem to make a difference and is really cheap too! Hope you keep warm x

  6. Oh I've never heard of the foil idea but definitely worth a shot! Thanks Sooz x

    1. You can buy special foam backed rolls of foil for putting behind your radiators, but I prefer my cheap-y really does seem to work!


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