
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Gardening...April...Sowing Seeds and Beautiful Balcony Garden...

Spring has sprung in Mums garden, even though we do have a little bit of snow left!

And I've planted my seeds in Mum's greenhouse.  I've got flowers; sunflowers, livingstone daisies, marigolds, sweet peas, nasturtium, lobelia and verbena.  And veg; mini sweetcorn, broad beans, courgette (I'm trying two varieties this year, black beauty and mikinos), sweet peppers and chick peas.  Hopefully it will be warm enough for them to germinate, and the ground will be warm enough to plant them out.

The courgette mikinos seeds were PINK!  I'm not sure if this is a natural thing, or if there was some sort of special coating on the seeds, I've never seen pink courgette seeds before.

My balcony garden is looking all lovely and spring-y, my daffodils and crocuses have come up, no sign of the snow drop bulbs I planted in my pots though, perhaps they'll come next year.  I bought some daisies and polyanthus too for a bit of extra colour.  I really like sitting on my sofa a looking out on my pretty little garden.

On my balcony, so far, I've seen a centipede, lots of little flies, blue bottles, a spider and a bee!  I wanted to attract insects to my little garden and I'm glad some little creatures have been enjoying it!

I bought myself some solar powered led fairy lights, which twinkle prettily as soon as it gets dark.  They're lovely.

Have you managed to do any gardening yet, hope your weather is better this month!


  1. I haven't done any gardening for ages! Can't do much at the mo as the kids are still off school. Your balcony garden is lovely and colourful - beautiful close up photos and great seed selection too. Look forward to hearing how it goes x

    1. Thanks Tracey :)

      Maybe your kids could help with the gardening? Free labour!

  2. I'm just really impressed by how lovely your garden looks so far! And so soon too! I really need to get working!


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