
Monday 27 May 2013

Garden Update...Pretty Flowers and Planting Out the Veggies...

I spent a couple of days playing in mums garden, getting my little veggie plot sorted out.

First, I appreciated the pretty flowers...

Then I planted my courgettes, sweet corn, broad beans and chickpeas.  I'll plant some spinach and herbs when I remember to take my seeds with me!  My bit of garden is the bit in between the brick path and the wooden path-thingy.  My wigwam is still there at the back and I've planted geraniums round the bottom of it again.

In the garden of our old house there was a patch of self-sown wild strawberries, I dug a few up and brought them to mums new garden.  As you can see they've spread out along the edge of the border, so I dug a few up and put them on the border of my veggie patch, I thought they'd look pretty and you can never have enough strawberries!

Just wanted to show you mums pea sticks, they're branches off the plum tree.  They had buds on when mum cut them off, which have blossomed even though they're no longer on the tree.  Don't they look pretty?

 Look, figs!

The first thing I've eaten from the garden this year, purple sprouting broccoli.  Yum.

More garden prettiness.  We dug that pond when we moved in, it's doing so well and has frogs in it and tadpoles too!

Hot!  (I took this photo at about 6pm, it had been much, much hotter in the daytime!)

My balcony is still pretty too!

How are your garden's doing?


  1. oh wow! Chicpeas! I've never thought to grow something like that before. I'm eager to see how those turn out.

    1. Me too!! I got the idea from a gardening book I have about growing 'exotic' food.


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