
Saturday 10 August 2013

Buddleia...Butterfly Madness...

I've never seen as many butterflies as I have this year, but especially on the buddleia in Mums garden there are loads.  I counted 35 just on the side of the buddleia I could see!

I've helpfully pointed out all the butterflies in the above photo!

Do you have an influx of butterflies where you are?


  1. You lucky. lucky thing. I've seen almost nothing but cabbage whites and a few persistent moths this year. You have your own "butterfly world" just there. Love your blog X

    1. Thank you Hetty (do you have a blog, if you do I can't see it, or I'd pay you a visit!)

      I do feel lucky to have so many butterflies about this year, they even land on you if you sit still for long enough, although that does make me panic a bit, they're a bit flappy close up!

  2. Oh my gosh yes me too - lots and lots of butterflies. With the help of my 7 year old niece we had fun trying to count and identify them. Like you lots of Cabbage Whites, Peacocks and the odd Comma too. They love the Erysimum flowers in the back garden and the neighbours Buddleia too, which kindly branches over into my garden!


    1. Hi Angela! :) You seem to have a variety of butterflies, we have mostly one type (I think peacocks breed on nettles, which there are loads of next door, which would explain it!)

  3. Brilliant pictures. Loads and loads and loads of moths and some cabbage butterflies!

    1. Thanks Maria :) I've seen a few moths too, big white ones keep flying into my living room, and I chased a humming bird hawk moth round mums garden the other night trying to get him to sit still for a photo!

  4. wow. That last picture is just wow. Lots of happy butterflies

    1. Yep, I've never seen so many in one place, it's crazy!


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