
Friday 18 October 2013

Garden Update...Pretty Pond, Pumpkin Baby, Plums, Flowers, Monster Growth and First Harvest...

These are some photos from my Mums garden from a few weeks ago, it's a bit more autumnal now and most of the fruit and veg are just about coming to an end.

The pond we dug when we moved there is looking lovely, and so is the garden...

In my little veggie plot I have lovely nasturtiums growing, huge broad beans, enormous pumpkin leaves, and mini sweet corn coming.  The spinach, quinoa and lettuce that I planted a couple of weeks ago has pretty much failed to do anything.

There's even a tiny pumpkin baby making an appearance beneath the giant leaves...

My sunflower has flowered...

There are plums on the plum tree...

And here's my first little harvest, some broad beans and a courgette.  I prefer to pick my courgettes when they're a bit on the smaller size, I think they're tastier.  I picked 2 more courgettes today and there are more coming on the plant too!

How do your gardens grow?


  1. Lovely lovely garden...
    You and your mom seem to spend a lot of time together, I think thats really nice...
    I hope you have a nice weekend Susie!
    Tammy xx

    1. Thank you Tammy :)

      I am lucky to have been able to buy a flat only 10 minutes away from my mums house, so I get to see her lots!

      Hope you have a lovely weekend too! x

  2. What a gorgeous garden, a little piece of heaven! Pumpkin is very sweet, I have yet to manage to get pumpkins past the big leaves stage. Enjoy it!

    1. Thank you! I like pumpkins when they're at the big leaves stage, they're all jungle-y and a bit mad!


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