
Monday 11 November 2013

Easy Green Things to do This Month...November 2013...

Here's this month's list of easy green and eco friendly actions...

Sign Friends of the Earth's petition to ask for better conditions for workers and better ecological practices in the production of tea. 

Russia are still holding 30 Greenpeace activists, use this online form to ask the Russian Ambassador in London to free them.

November is World Vegan Month, why not give veganism a try, or maybe try a Meat Free Monday if that's a step too far for you!  There are lots of vegan meal ideas on my blog!

November 23rd is Buy Nothing Day, a stance against consumerism and capitalism, why not join in?

If you have any ideas to be added to this months list, then let me know in the comments section and if I like it, I'll add it!  And feel free to share any of this info (or the whole post) wherever and with whoever you like! 

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