
Saturday 1 February 2014

Easy Green Actions, February 2014.

Here's this month's list of simple online actions that have an impact on our world...

Sign this online petition, to ask Brazilian lawmakers to uphold a ban on big seed companies being able to supply Brazilian farmers with 'terminator seeds' - seeds that produce infertile fruits, so farmers are bound to buy these genetically modified seeds each time they want to produce a crop.

Sign Greenpeace's petition, asking big clothing companies to stop using harmful chemicals in dyes and printing inks while making garments. 

Sign this petition to ask pesticide manufacturers Bayer and Syngenta to drop a lawsuit, suing Europe for banning bee-killing pesticides.

Join in with the Plastic Polution Coalition's campaign to Resolve to Refuse single use plastics in 2014.

If you have any causes or actions to add then let me know in the comments and if I like it I'll add it in.  And feel free to share any of this info (or the whole post) wherever and with whoever you like - if you sign any of the petitions and use social media then please consider using the share on facebook or twitter options that pop up, it increases the reach of these actions and awareness of these issues even further.  

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