
Saturday 5 April 2014

Birmingham Flowers and Views.

I went to Birmingham this week to see the Grayson Perry tapestry exhibition at BMAG (it's free, it's amazing, you should go!), and we popped to see a couple of other exhibitions as well (New Art West Midlands at BMAG, For the Record in the Waterhall and Library of Cultures at the Library of Birmingham.  All of them were free and all of them were good, specially the library one).  

I didn't take many photos in the exhibitions (it wasn't allowed in some and I was too busy looking at stuff anyway) but Birmingham was looking lovely, so I photographed the city instead.

The polyanthus displays near the new Library and the War Memorial are so pretty and colourful.

We sat in a cute little park, round the back of the new library, to eat our picnic and watched a cute little rat scurrying about in the bushes.

I couldn't resist going all the way up to the top of the Library of Birmingham to see the lovely views of the city, in daylight this time!

Have you been anywhere pretty recently? 


  1. I was really enjoying this post and photo's until "cute little rat" !!!! at which point I was already tucking my legs up under me on the sofa - eek!
    The flower display is so bright and colourful, must have taken an age to plant up all of those.

    1. Ooo, sorry about that! He was only a cute baby rat if that makes you feel any better (I doubt it will!).

      I loved the flowers, so pretty, glad I wasn't the one planting them though!

  2. never been to Birmingham - i think :) really like the building with that cool metal mesh covering! the rat bit made me cringe a little too :) so lucky for the uk to have flowers blooming already.

    1. I love Birmingham, it's only about 45 minutes away on the train from where I live too. The cool building is the new Library of Birmingham, which is 7 floors of amazing!

      Looks like I'm the only one that finds rats cute! whoopsy!

  3. wow! the flowers are amazing! what a lovely sunny day.

    1. They are aren't they, they were everywhere too, someone has been very busy with a trowel!

  4. I think I said it on your blog post when you went to see the library at night that I haven't been to Birmingham for a while, so would love to check it out with all these changers. The flowers truly are stunning, lifts your spirits.

    1. Birmingham is looking really lovely at the moment, it's definitely worth a visit!


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