
Saturday 24 May 2014

Rio de Janeiro 2014.

If you don't like posts full of holiday photos, look away now!

If you've left me a comment over the last couple of weeks that I haven't replied to, it's because I have been on holiday!  I spent two and a half weeks visiting friends in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil!

I went up Sugar Loaf Mountain

and to see Jesus

and to Copacabana

and to Ipenema

 and to the Teatro Municipal 

and to the Escadaria Selaron

and to the Portuguese Library

I went to lots of other places too, Santa Teresa, Petropolis and the Botanical Gardens were my favourites, but they deserve posts of their own.

I had a lovely time visiting my friends and saw lots of lovely things.  There were bus strikes and a culture strike while I was there, which meant I missed out on the main museums and historic buildings.  We found lots of alternative things to do though, we saw an amazing circus at the theatre (this one, which had a man in a wheelchair in it), saw some of a harp festival and ate in lots of nice vegan friendly places.

I hope you won't mind me sharing some of my adventure here over the next few weeks!


  1. Fantastic photos - looks like a lovely place to visit - can't wait to hear more about your adventures.

  2. Your pictures are great! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  3. Lovely photos - what a trip! Sounds like you packed loads in. Love the moody Ipenema sky :)

    1. I need a holiday to recover from my holiday to be honest!

  4. Oh. My. Gosh! You went to Brazil??? We were just talking about this in class today as the World Cup is going to be there!!!
    How exciting, I would love to hear all about it, I bet you had an amazing time...absolutely amazing!
    Much love to you!
    Tammy x

  5. PS... Are you on instagram?

    1. I did, I deliberately avoided the World Cup though, there's talk of a police strike while the World Cup is on, so it's not the safest time to be there, unfortunately (for those who like football). I had a lovely time and saw lots of lovely things!

      I don't have instagram, I don't have a whizzy phone so I don't think I can instagram!

  6. looks amazing! plus i think we have the same dress....

    1. It was amazing! And we must both have great taste in dresses then! :)

  7. Rio looks absolutely fabulous! I love the inside of that theatre! :-) x

    1. The theatre was soo beautiful. Bit sad my camera didn't get on with the lighting and made everything so yellow!


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