
Sunday 15 June 2014

Simple Pleasures #10.

First home grown strawberry of the year.  Grown on my balcony.  It's the best thing I've eaten all year!


  1. I have never grown strawberries, how easy/hard was it - did you have to fight off the slugs?? Bet it tasted delish.

    1. It's so easy! Just buy some plants and pop them in a pot/the ground, water occasionally and they practically grow themselves. The plants are perennials last a few years, but strawberry plants create lots of 'runners' with little plants on the end, which you can train into the ground and have free new plants. If you know someone nearby with a strawberry patch you might find they'll give you some plants. Mine are pretty safe from slugs, cos my balcony is 2 floors up. We grow lots of Strawberries at mums house too, birds are more or a problem than slugs, they will eat all the berries if you don't prevent them, we put netting over the top which stops the worst of it. They taste a million times better than any shop bought strawberries, you should give growing them a try!

  2. how lovely! i also wanted to grow some hanging basket strawbs but when I went to buy some i was shocked at how much they cost (16 euros for a small hanging basket of wilty looking strawberry plants...! when i know how easy it is to propagate them once you have a palnt) and nobody - not the big garden centres, not the small stallholders at the market - nobody sold just simple strawberry plants... well, maybe next year :)

    1. Goodness, that is so expensive, I bought my plants from the market and some from a supermarket and they were all £1 a plant. Hope you find some affordable strawberries next year!


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