
Thursday 3 July 2014

Zero Waste Week 2014.

Have you heard of Zero Waste Week?

This is Rachelle, the zero-waste-warrior behind and she has organised Zero Waste Week for the past 7 years.  

Zero Waste Week 2014 runs from the 1st September to the 7th of September.  The theme this year is 'One More Thing', asking you what one extra thing could you do to reduce your household waste.  Although the challenge lasts a week, the idea is to create good habits that will help you reduce waste permanently.

There are loads of ideas for 'one more thing' to reduce your waste on the Zero Waste Week website.  There's a great pinterest board too, where you can see other people's pledges for inspiration.  Some ideas I really liked are sorting through the freezer and eating up left overs, taking a stand against disposable fashion by not buying any clothes or shoes for a month, recycling more in the workplace or office and to use mesh fabric bags to buy loose fruit and veg.

I've already signed up and have pledged to remember to take plastic bag type packaging to the supermarket to recycle in their plastic bag containers.  I always forget I can do this and it's so easy to do!

Will you take part in Zero Waste Week this year?

Check out their website, facebook, twitter and pinterest for more information.


  1. Great pledge Susie - funnily enough I was asking for tips about remembering to get your reusable bags to the checkout yesterday. So often we have good intentions only to pack our things up and realise our bags are back at home ;)
    Thanks for blogging about Zero Waste Week - I hope some of your readers are inspired to take the pledge!

    1. I have reusable bags hung up on doorknobs all over my flat in the hopes I'll remember to take one out with me! (It generally works!)

      I hope lots of people sign up for Zero Waste Week this year too! :)

  2. Zero Waste Week is a fabulous idea - it concentrates our efforts to be more mindful of what we do. I have home made bags folded in my handbag and a bag full in the boot of my car. I for one will definitely be signing up for this pledge again this year. I am also in the middle of the "plastic free July" challenge.

    1. Glad you'll be taking part :) Hope plastic free July is going well, sounds like a big challenge!


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